Chapter 8 - A party and a disaster (2/2)

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The person in question was at Lydia's house. 

The party was still going, the house was flooded with teenagers -- many of them had a drink in hand. The event was a success, the numerous guests all having a good time. The host, Lydia, was next to the pool. She was sitting next to her boyfriend. Both had their feet in the warm water. They were talking softly, occasionally sharing a laugh. Mostly, they were enjoying a moment in each other's company, forgetting about the rest of the world. Lydia rested her head against Jamie's shoulder and looked up. The moon was at its fullest, clearly visible between the clouds. She frowned when she felt something buzzing close to her leg.

"Jamie, your phone's ringing," she sighed. The world was bursting their small bubble of peace and quiet again. Jamie groaned, but reached for his phone anyway. He answered, Lydia only catching his end of the conversation.

"What do you mean, he ran off into the woods?"

Lydia was intrigued. It seemed to be a curious conversation, probably involving the kid with the strange name -- the one who used to stare at her when they were children.

"Okay, listen. Go check on Allison, I'll see if I can find Scott."

Protests were heard on the other side of the line.

"No, Stiles, I'm closer to the woods than you... Yes, I'll be careful. I'll keep you posted."

Jamie hanged up his phone. He looked at Lydia apologetically. She knew he had to leave, if something happened to his friends and he had done nothing to stop it he would blame himself. So, she nodded in approval and he got up, lifting her to her feet in the process. They shared a quick kiss and he left, determined to find Scott before he could hurt someone or himself. He reached his car, thinking. Scott was most probably after Derek, so his best option was to find Derek to try and intercept Scott. According to Stiles, the man had driven Allison from the party. The next logical action would be for him to go back to his house. Since Jamie and his friends had bumped into the man in the woods, Jamie guessed Derek lived in that area. It was a long shot, but Jamie couldn't think of a better option. He started his car, and went on his way.

As he was nearing the entrance of the Preserve, his eyes caught something on the side of the road. He stopped his car, squinting his eyes. It was a black Camaro. A silhouette jumped on the car, startling Jamie.


The beast-like creature jumped from the roof and sprinted to the woods, not paying Jamie any mind. The teen parked his Toyota just behind what he hoped was Derek's car. He quickly got out, grabbing a flashlight from his trunk and entering the forest. He gripped the flashlight firmly, trying to find his courage. He moved into the woods, following the trail but his task was growing more and more difficult. Countless fallen leaves covered the floor, hiding the path from view.

A sudden growl made the teen look up. He walked in the direction of the noise, careful not to be detected. Another growl was heard, this one louder and deeper. Jamie stopped, confused. Was there a second wolf involved? If yes, Scott could be in danger. Overcoming his fear, Jamie stepped forward, moving branches aside as he advanced towards the noises.

"Where is she?" a voice spat. The voice resembled Scott's but it was strangely distorted. Jamie froze in his tracks once again, listening.

"She's safe," another voice answered, "From you."

Jamie then heard growling again. He ran, rushing to his friend's aid. Scott was fighting with someone, a man dressed in black. Jamie came closer, pushing the man off of Scott. It was Derek Hale. Derek roared at the teen, making him back away. He then grabbed Scott by the throat, shoving him against a tree as if he weighted nothing.

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