I love youYou love her
She loves someone else
That someone else is me
You hate me cuz she fell in love with me
She fell in love with me cuz I made her happy
Her happiness of me was an accident
An accident that I thought was normal
To me normal wasn't going to change
No I was wrong change did change
A change that I would regret later
Regret without any notice
I notice nothing I was blinded
Blinded in why you changed
I was wondering the word why
Why have you become so aggressive & annoyed
You were angry of one thing
And that is me what have I ever done?
You thought I was stupid when I asked
Yeah I was I still am to realize it now
I knew there was something you liked about her
Something made me think you loved her
You did I was right I felt sadness
Sadness that you never loved me
You saw me as a friend it was different for me
For me I always wanted you to love me
To love me as you loved her
Dumb of me to say this "she was in your eyes"
In your eyes that made me feel jealous
Being jealous was hard to hide it from you
Hiding was a way so I wouldn't hurt our friendship
I wanted that friendship to last
Our friendship kept hurting me
It hurts my heart to say we're not more than friends
Although the word friend hurts me more
What hurted me more was you were furious
Furious at what? huh! at what!
That I was with her she was the one
She was the one with me she wanted to be
To be hers I just wanted us to be friends
Her attached to me was impossible
Impossible for me to break her heart
Breaking her would be me all over again
Seeing me as her was unacceptable
Unacceptable to see another suffer
Suffering struggling all by myself trying to hide
Trying to hide the fact that I loved you
Loved you then there was her she found me
Found me crying all alone that day
The day I made her fall in love with me
Why me why did she fall for me?
Me as being her first love
Her first love since when? I thought to myself
The thought came to me so I told her why
Why I matter to her that's when she told me
She told me she was afraid of being judged
Being judged by everyone she knew
She felt betrayed by her "friends"
Her friends wanted her money her love
Love for them to get free gifts & money
Money meant for them not her
To them was all a joke
A joke that was funny to see her reactions
They saw her reactions as disgusting, useless
Yeah disgust & worthless were what people saw