Part 1

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-a/n- Starting out, this will be very similar to the original story except told in Ming's PoV. The further in, the more it will deviate.from the familiar. You have been warned.


"Ai'Ming! I've been accepted! I've been accepted!!!" Jumping up and down like a hyperactive puppy, Wayo is so happy he has tears pooling in his wide chocolate eyes. With another excited yelp, he launches himself at me for a hug. I am very used to this excited friend of mine and his antic so I caught him up in my arms without much thought. His whole body tucks neatly against mine.

"Fuck, Yo!!! I can't breath when you squeeze me so tight." With some difficulty, I manage to untangle myself from his octopus-like arms. For a thin guy with barely any muscles, he sure does have a tight grip.

"We are going to the same university, ai'Ming. I don't care that it's different departments! I was still accepted into the same university!" His arms wrap around my neck in delight and he nuzzles his face into the side of my cheek. You'd never guess this guy has been on this planet for eighteen years. He acts like a cute five year old a lot of the time and he has the boyish sweet looks to match it.  That's probably why he can get away with it, unlike the rest of us who get called creeps and perverts if we try.

"You're excited to be going to the same university with me? I don't think so. We both know that you are excited because it's the same university as p'Pha. It has nothing to do with me." Rolling my eyes, I set him away from me in admonishment but miss his warmth when it's gone. It's the truth, though it does sting a little that the whole reason he worked so hard to go to this uni is because of his long time crush on our senior. Phana, the object of Yo's affection, graduated the year before us in high school. His current excitement really has nothing to do with me.

Wayo tries to give me an innocent look which doesn't work on me in the slightest. We have been around each other forever and I am immune to such looks by now. He then tries to pout at me and I can feel my walls faltering. That pout should be banned from existence. No matter how many times he uses that one on me, I can't fight against it. He's just too fucking adorable.

"It's been over a year since you last saw him, right?" Doing my best to resist him, I forge ahead to prove my point.

"Yes. It's been so long!" Yo loses his pout for a second in his excitement.

"And this opportunity to see him again makes you happy, right?"

"Yes! Yes! I'm fucking happy!" This weird kid laughs at himself and completely gives up trying to hide anything. "I never thought I would really be able to pass the tests to get accepted! A silly guy like me actually got in and all because I wanted to see p'Pha."

"He never looked at ai'Yo in middle school or high school. Not once. Are you going to be okay if he still doesn't see you in university?" I know it sounds harsh but Wayo needs to realize that we don't get everything we want. Some things are beyond our control, like who we fall in love with. He plops back down into the chair in front of the computer and stares at me dejectedly before taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders.

"I will still be okay, ai'Ming. I promise. There isn't much of a chance that someone like him would notice someone as lowly as me. I'm not handsome or sweet or pleasing. It will be enough for me just to be able to see him around campus." Wayo puts on a brave face and tilts his chin up with a determined smile. "Besides, I will still have my best friend there."

"Brat." Sitting beside him, I reach out and pinch his cheek affectionately. "It's too bad I couldn't get into the same dorm as you."

"I don't like you being so far away. What am I gonna do if I need you?" Yo goes back to pouting and leans against my arm as he is reminded of our eminent separation.

"My name is down on the waiting list for first available in your dorm. For now, I have to stay at the other dorm. It's only a five minute drive away. You can call me anytime you need me and I'll come right over." Petting his hair, I watch as he gives me a half-hearted smile. "I think you can give me a better smile than that. You're finally going to get to see your p'Pha. You've only been secretly in love with him long enough for me to go through twelve girlfriends."

"I am very happy, ai'Ming." Wayo straightens up and gives me a wide, toothy smile.

"If that makes you happy, then I really hope everything works out for you. I'll help you catch your p'Pha, if it will keep that smile on your face."  My heart gives a strange lurch at the thought but I shake it off as nerves for entering our first year at uni.


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