Part 3

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Wayo is confused and shocked at being chosen as the Moon for his faculty but it doesn’t really surprise me. My friend doesn’t realize how much he’s changed in the last year. He still sees himself as the awkward kid with thick glasses and bad acne, not the good looking guy with big, expressive eyes and smooth skin that he is now. I always thought he was cute even before and couldn’t understand why other people couldn’t see it, but Yo never believed me. After p’Pha graduated, Yo decided he needed to improve himself before he met him again at University. I’d say he succeeded considering he’s now one of the Moons. Now, everyone will know how beautiful my friend is, not just me.

“Did you see that cutie from the Science department?” A burly guy sitting a row behind me asks his friend as we wait for the seniors to start the meeting. I’m guessing this is when we will decide on our own Moon and Star for the competition since Yo’s was earlier today.

“Which one?” His friend scratches his head. There are quite a few attractive people around so I don't blame him for being confused.

“The guy they chose to be their Moon.” The person’s reply has me twisting around in my seat to look back at him and I don’t care for what I see. His mouth is twisted up into a lacsivous grin and his eyes are hungry as he continues to talk about my Wayo. “I was on the courts when they were deciding. That guy is fucking adorable.”

“Dude! It’s a guy?! I thought you were straight!” His friend leans back and looks at him in confusion. Yes, asshole, stay straight and stop thinking about Yo that way!

“I am but this one doesn’t count. Wait until you see him and you’ll understand.” He gives a wolfish chuckle that sets my teeth on edge. “Smooth skin, big eyes, a sweet face, and a cute ass. He’s prettier than most of the girls on campus. Guy or not, I might just try my luck.”

Their conversation is interrupted when one of the hazers yells at us for silence. It’s a good thing too or I might have turned around and decked the guy for talking about Wayo that way. I have a feeling that I’m going to be hearing a lot more similar conversations by the time this competition is over. Maybe Wayo getting the Moon isn’t such a good idea. The more I think about it, the leas I like it.

After a lot of intimidating looks and angry posturing as the seniors explain what is expected of us as first years in the Engineering department, a tall guy with handsome features and tattoos peeking out of his shirt steps forward. His sharp eyes skim over the freshmen class with a devilish smirk on his full lips and he folds his arms in front of him.

“This is p’Forth. He was the moon of our faculty last year and first runner-up for the title of Campus Moon.” One of the hazers introduces him and steps back for p’Forth to take over.

“Our faculty has always finished in the top three of the Moon competition. I don’t plan on that streak being broken this year so who do you think among all of you has what it takes to snatch the Campus Moon title?” His deep voice carries effortlessly around the room and we look at each other wondering who will be picked, but no one stands up to volunteer either themselves or a friend. “Who is the most handsome? Who has the presence? Who has the guts to take this challenge?”

The thought of Wayo being a Moon pops into my head along with that asshole’s conversation. There are going to be a lot of activities and practices that Yo will have to do on his own. Places and events that I can’t be a part of without being a Moon, too. Fuck. Before I can think further on that or question myself, I stand up and meet p’Forth’s stare.

“What’s your name, freshman?” He looks me over from top to toes and meets my eyes again.

“Ming… Mingkwan,” I reply with a confident smile.

“Top scorer on the entrance exams for our faculty, if I’m not mistaken. Brains and a handsome face, not bad.” P’Forth’s comment sends an excited mumble across the room, but one look from him has them instantly quiet. “Our first contender is hard to beat. Is there anyone in this group that thinks they can do better?”

After a couple minutes and some urging by their friends, two more guys stand up. Both are handsome and fit but it doesn’t phase me. I will be our faculty’s moon in the end. No way am I letting Yo do this on his own.

P’Forth has us stand up in front of the whole group and do a self-introduction with a few words on why we should be the Moon. The first guy has a deep barrel chest with corded muscles and short-cropped black hair. He smiles and his teeth are slightly crooked but the imperfection is sort of appealing. When he speaks, I can’t understand a word he says. It’s a mumble of rushed words in a low baritone. The second guy is a bit shorter with a stockier build and wavy brown hair. His voice is clear and easily understood when he stands in front of everyone and his white smile is nearly blinding. What he says has me cringing as he goes on and on and on about how great he is and why he is the only real choice. Would it be a horrible thing if I duct taped his mouth shut? If it wasn’t so necessary for me to win this, I’d be laughing my ass off about now. Stepping to the front for my turn, I’m cursing Wayo silently in my head. After the long winded speech from the previous guy, I think it’s best to keep this short and to the point. Show my handsome face, give a smile, and prove that I am articulate.

“Hello, my name is Ming. Like most of you, I am a first year in the Engineering faculty. I’m not going to tell you how handsome I am. That is something for you to decide for yourself.” At this point, I flash them my most winning smile and can practically see the hearts hovering in many of their eyes. I don’t need anyone to tell me that I’m handsome, but pulling out some charm couldn’t hurt. Winking at the crowd, I continue. “What I will tell you is that I will work hard as your Moon, if you decide on me, and will give it everything I’ve got to bring you the Campus Moon title. Thank you.”

After I step back with the other two potential Moons, there is a few minutes of discussion among the hazers. It’s not long before p’Forth stands beside me and faces the crowd. It’s still and abnormally quiet as everyone waits for the verdict.

“Adding in your response to each of them when they spoke and the opinions of the senior hazers, the decision has been made. Please give a round of applause to the new Moon of the Engineering Faculty, Ming!” Setting a large hand on my shoulder, p’Forth shoves me forward a bit and I’m hit with a loud sound wave as my whole year cheers wildly. P’Forth leans close to my ear so I can hear him. “I hope you’re ready for hell.”

Opinions?  Questions?  Squeals?
Anyone excited for this ghost 'ship to set sail?
My dearest readers have been a quiet bunch lately. Where are your voices?
It's alright. I understand. Holidays, work, schooling, family, friends, life keeps us busy. Hope you are enjoying the story.
- Jae, PoE

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