Flowers Academy : The Heroine Part 2

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After seeing Brian naked in all his full glory, Sissy hid her domitory room for three days straight depressed. She thought to herself that she was suppose to have the time of her life in Flowers Academy after all she is the heroine of the Otome Game, "The Flowers of Love", she was suppose to have easily captured all the hearts of the capture targets. What happened she wondered ? Then there was the mysterious sixth capture target Prince Caspian. His name sounds familiar but she has not heard of him before. Oh, well on the fourth day Sissy thought she had to strengthen her heart and continue trying to capture the hearts of the capture targets. After all, this is her game, she died playing this game and she is the heroine of the game.

As she thought those thoughts, she remembered Prince John one of the capture target. According to Princess Sarah he likes to see and protect people from afar. Hopefully it is not a nasty surprise like Brian the flasher. Come to think of it to get to Prince John I need to go through Mary Von Bestonet the Marquis of Bestonet's daughter. Mary was Prince John's fiancée.

Then she will be the first person I see. Mary Von Bestonet was suppose to be the person stopping the heroine from the capture target Prince John. If Sarah Von Hill was the major Villainess then Mary was the minor Villainess in the Otome Game, "The Flowers of Love". Time to confront her. When I approached Mary near the corridors of the school, no one was there.

"Mary, ahem.. you may not know me but my name is Sissy Potter and I am interested in your fiancée Prince John", Sissy said softly with her head bowed down. Sissy had expected Mary to scold her after saying that.

"Fiancée..", Mary said as she looked at Sissy with pity.

"I think you are mistaken, at one point in time we were engaged but I think the engagement is no longer valid. I never intend to get married. I pity poor lost souls like yourself that cannot seem to get any fulfillment unless they cling to a man. Ha, ha, ha", as Mary said that she laughed.

"Then you don't mind if I pursue Prince John", Sissy said in surprise.

"Be my guest, in fact you would be solving one of my problems.", Mary said with a smile.

As Sissy looked at Mary, she could tell that Mary was genuinely happy as she skipped away from the corridor. Sissy started to think strange thoughts, is there something wrong with Prince John ? After all Prince Jules was fat and ugly unlike in the game he was handsome and smart. Jack was short tempered and open unlike in the game he was calm and devious. While Brian in the game was normal, the current Brian could only be known as one of the worst offenders to women, he was a flasher. And he seems proud of it. Could there be something wrong with Prince John ?

As Sissy tried her best to shelve away those thoughts, she did some investigations on Prince John. Or at least she tried to do some investigations on Prince John. Wherever she looked for Prince John she could never find him. In fact he use to appear there suddenly and disappear immediately afterwards. He was like a ghost.

As Sissy struggled to investigate Prince John she asked around her friends where she can find Prince John. All her friends told her, if you follow Princess Sarah you will find Prince John. Why did they say that, Sissy wondered ? So began the Sissy files, the investigation into Prince John. As she followed Princess Sarah around, Sissy began to fall in love with Princess Sarah. In her thoughts she thought that Princess Sarah was so beautiful and kind. Princess Sarah was not only beautiful but she was kind and had lots of friends. She never made friends on social status, after all she is princess, the highest of the status. In fact she was even kind to the old man gardener at school, she would always ask the old gardener how he is and bring food to him. Sissy could tell the old gardener was head over heels in love with Princess Sarah. And Sissy's mood began to soften towards Princess Sarah. Was this yuri love (lesbian love) she wondered ? Was she becoming a lesbian due to a lack of decent guys in the school ?

Reincarnated as the evil fat pig villainess in an Otome gameWhere stories live. Discover now