Andre and the Bandit - Side Story

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This story happened before Sarah met Jack her adopted brother.

"Sarah", a voice called out to me.

It was Andre, I always wanted to move about in the town in Mira since my father seems to be keeping me under lock and key in the Manor.  That's why I had asked Andre to accompany me secretly into town without my father knowing.

"Andre ?", I called out to him, we agreed that when in town we would drop the honirifics to keep me safe.

"Sarah, we should go back now, let's not stay in town too long", as Andre said that he smiled at me weakly.

"Ok", I said as I smiled back but I don't think he can see my face as it is being covered up by a veil, I am wearing light clothes like a sweet simple one piece flower dress that is at knee length. It accentuated my body as it hugged it tightly. The veil is more like using a thin piece of cloth to cover my face it made me look unusual and all the town folks would stare at me. What a fine body, I heard a man mumbled as he went past me.

As I heard that Andre took my arm softly and moved me gently away from people. In case you forgot Andre is my personal bodyguard and is devoted to me.

Andre whispered to me, "I think there is someone following us", I nodded my head to show him I understood.  We have to go past an alley surrounded by two dilapidated walls to get to our carriage. We tried to move fast past this alley way. And we were halfway through the alley when...

Suddenly someone with brown hair about six feet tall jumped in front of us with a rusty sword in his hand. His face is covered by a dirty cloth. And at the back someone else similar with black hair faced Andre. This is bad.

"Give us all your money and take off your veil", the bandit one growled at me.

"Drop your weapon", bandit two growled at Andre.

"Sarah be careful, I will protect you", Andre said.

I decided to take off my veil as it will be easier then to use my magic to fight with the bandit. As you know eating the kismet fruit has made me a healing saint (highest class of healer in the World, said to only come once every few hundred years), on top of that my non existent magic powers has begun to grow.

There are six different type of magic in this world, Fire, Earth, Wind, Water and the two rare attributes Light and Dark magic. As for me my strongest magic is Light magic which is used in healing, surprisingly I have attributes in all other magic, fire, earth, wind, water and dark. A normal person is suppose to have only one attribute in magic if he or she is lucky, in general most of the population has zero magic. While some that have two attributes is considered a genius, the heroine is suppose to have two attributes. And originally the Villainess Sarah is suppose to have no attribute in magic. I guess this is the long term effect of eating the kismet fruit.

Light magic is mainly use for healing, however I found out that my light magic is so strong that it can be used for offense. I found out stories from myth and legends that has stories of people using light magic for offense. Most normal light magic user can only use their magic to heal and nothing else, but in legends and myths before, light magic was the magic of heroes and was used to defeat the currently non existence demon king.

Currently I use my light magic for offense on bandit one, light wave, it should knock out anyone in front of me in a wave of light making that person unconscious with no harm to the body. It's meant for a large group of enemies, but heck, it will interesting to try it out on a live subject.

Bandit one was in shock when I dropped my veil and he seemed to lower down his sword with his facial features relaxing. I blast my light wave. He is shocked and falls down to the ground.

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