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Leader: Acornstar (A brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes)
Deputy: Cloudstrike (A pure white tom with yellow eyes, apprentice is Stormpaw)
Medicine Cat: Foxpelt (A dark ginger she-cat with a black tip on her tail)
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Rabbitpaw (A very light brown tom with a small rabbit like tail)

Minnowbreeze (A dark gray tabby she-cat with a white belly.)
Spikefur (A light gray tom with messy fur, apprentice is Reedpaw)
Mistpool (A Russian Blue she-cat with long legs, apprentice is Darkpaw)
Ravenflight (A black she-cat with a white ear)
Larkclaw (A pale gray tom with blue eyes, has very messy fur)
Rosetail (A white she-cat with an almost red like patches)
Icewing (A very light gray tom with blazing yellow eyes)
Whitetail (A black tom with a white tail)
Rockstorm (A dark gray tom with a grumpy attitude, apprentice is Lightpaw)
Softbreeze (A white she-cat with gray stripes, has very sleek fur)
Violetpoppy (A brown tabby she-cat with some rare violet eyes)
Hollybreeze (A pure black she-cat with a torn ear)

Rabbitpaw (A very light brown tom with a rabbit like tail)
Reedpaw (A gray tom with a white spot on his eye, Stormpaw's brother)
Darkpaw (A white she-cat with black patches)
Lightpaw (A pale she-cat with golden eyes)
Stormpaw (A dark gray she-cat with black stripes and paws, Reedpaw's sister.)

Leafscar (A pure light brown she-cat with dark brown stripes, expecting)
Buzzardwing (A white she-cat with a gray wing like pattern on her sides, kits include Thrushkit and Smallkit)

Tallear (A black tom with long ears, almost deaf)
Mouse (A brown tabby she-cat with white paws, was a dying rogue taken in)
Stoneleap (A gray tom with one blue eye and one yellow)


Leader: Brightstar (A ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes, apprentice is Poppypaw)
Deputy: Honeyflower (A light brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes)
Medicine Cat: Grayclaw (A dark gray tom with strange claws)

Birchclaw (Pale tom with green eyes, apprentice is Maplepaw)
Dewsplash (A gray tom with white stripes and yellow eyes filled with wisdom)
Snowfall (A white she-cat with black paws, one of the eldest warriors in the clan)
Stormleap (A Russian blue tom with one blind eye)
Brightsun (A golden she-cat with amber eyes)
Brownpelt (A brown tom with an unusual half tail)
Leafheart (A calico she-cat with glowing green eyes)

Maplepaw (A ginger, black, and white she-cat with yellow eyes)
Poppypaw (A pale she-cat with one white ear)
Juniperpaw (A gray tom with dark gray stripes, has blazing yellow eyes.)

Frostfoot (A white she-cat with blue eyes, expecting)

Dappledcoat (A ginger she-cat with interesting patterns)
Speckleleaf (A pale she-cat who has lost her hearing)


Leader: Blazestar (A ginger tom with a darker ginger paw)
Deputy: Hawksight (A brown tabby with yellow eyes, has very great sight)
Medicine Cat: Pebblespots (A gray she-cat with white spots)
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Wasppaw (A pale tom with black stripes)

Gorsewhisker (A very light gray tom with yellow eyes)
Lionstep (A golden tom with a light ginger tail)
Sandcloud (A very pale she-cat with paws that look like clouds)
Branchfoot (A brown tom with green eyes)
Dirtapple (A light brown tom with a rude personality)
Ashtail (A gray she-cat with dark gray freckles, apprentice is Dawnpaw)
Duskshade (An amber she-cat with a white belly)
Needleclaw (A dark gray tom with a white leg)

Wasppaw (A pale tom with black stripes)
Dawnpaw (A ginger she-cat with emerald green eyes)

Featherclaw (A gray tabby with blue eyes, kit is Nightkit)

Leafstorm (A light brown she-cat with a white spot on her tail)
Smalltail (A white tom with brown spots, has a short tail)


Leader: Splashstar (A gray she-cat with a white belly and yellow eyes)
Deputy: Webfoot (A gray tom with darker stripes)
Medicine Cat: Silverleaf (A silver she-cat with a white tail)

Finwhisker (A very light gray tom, almost white, has yellow eyes)
Rainfall (A dark gray she-cat with a snappy attitude, apprentice is Owlpaw)
Icegaze (A Siamese Cat with blue eyes)
Mouseclaw (A dark gray tom with black paws, apprentice is Sparrowpaw)
Smokepelt (A light gray she-cat with white on her chest)
Turtlefoot (A calico she-cat with amber eyes)
Flamestripe (A ginger tom with darker stripes, has white paws)
Jayflight (A gray she-cat with icy blue eyes, has black ear tips)
Heathercloud (A pale she-cat with yellow eyes, apprentice is Breezepaw)

Owlpaw (A brown tom with white ears, sister is Sparrowpaw)
Sparrowpaw (A light brown she-cat, brother is Owlpaw)
Breezepaw (A black tom with blazing yellow eyes)

Flashnose (A white she-cat with gray spots, kits are Timberkit and Mosskit)
Bumbleheart (A pale gray she-cat with blue eyes, expecting)
Briarpelt (A brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes, called the "kit keeper")

Echomist (A black she-cat with white ears and tail)
Toadfoot (A gray tom with a mix of brown on his tail tip and pelt)

Cats out of Clans:
Jewel (A pale she-cat with blue eyes that shine like a jewel)
Lake (A black tom with white stripes and yellow eyes)
Skull (A black she-cat with a white skull pattern on her face)
Ginger (A lazy ginger tom that has a red collar)
Rodger (A pale tom with amber eyes and yellow collar, planning to escape twolegs)

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