Chapter One

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"Wake up!" A playful voice woke up Darkpaw.
Darkpaw groaned and slowly blinked open her eyes. Above her, she saw a a gray tom, an apprentice like her, that had a white spot over his eye.
"What, Reedpaw?" She shook her head, sluggishly getting up.
Reedpaw looked like he was about to burst with laughter.
"You just missed the first hunting patrol where Mistpool was!" He chuckled nudging Darkpaw.
Darkpaw's eyes widened, she had missed the first hunting patrol with her mentor!
"T-Thats not funny, Reedpaw!" She stammered, getting up and turning away. "I may never be a warrior!"
Reedpaw chuckled again, he softly nipped her ear.
"You just missed one hunting patrol, that doesn't mean you won't be a warrior!" He nudged her again.
Darkpaw sighed. She always worried about becoming a warrior. What if she didn't do anything right?
Reedpaw giggled again, he thought this was hilarious.
"I'll have to remove the elders ticks and, and, I'll be banished from ShadowClan and-"
"Darkpaw!" A voice cut off her. "Get over here, right now!"
She drooped her tail and looked down. Darkpaw knew she was going to be in trouble for sleeping too long.
Darkpaw sighed and started padding to the voice, she suspected it was Mistpool.
"Why did you miss the first hunting patrol?" Mistpool growled as she clawed her cheek.
"I-I was sleeping..." Darkpaw stammered.
"A warrior never sleeps, mange-pelt!" Mistpool snarled. "Now, you have to catch 5 pieces of prey!"
"W-When?" She was shaking.
"Now!" Mistpool then bit into Darkpaw's ear.
She was struggling to escape, soon enough, her entire ear will be ripped off.
"Let her go, foxheart!" She looked up to see Reedpaw furious.
Mistpool didn't listen and kept biting. She could tell there were gasps surrounding the camp, but the leader was nowhere to be seen.
Reedpaw leapt and clawed Mistpool's muzzle. He snarled and then quickly bit her front paw, making her loose balance.
Spikefur taught him good battle moves... Darkpaw thought as she pulled herself away.
Blood was leaking out and she was deathly afraid of what will happen to poor Reedpaw.
"Run!" He yowled, getting pinned by Mistpool.
"B-But-" Darkpaw growled and leapt up to Mistpool. "I will not leave you to die by this foxhearted warrior!"
She clawed her pelt, blood gushing out of it. Darkpaw then kicked Mistpool's belly, knocking her backwards. Just before she can blow one more attack, a voice rang out from the camp.
"What in StarClan is happening?"
Every cat turned to see Acornstar, her face was in both shock and hatred.
Everyone froze, Mistpool's pelt was still bleeding and Darkpaw's eyes widened so much it almost looks like she has no pupils. She looked over at Reedpaw, who was just as frightened.
"M-Mistpool was biting Darkpaw's ear and-" Reedpaw began.
"Is that true?" Acornstar snarled at her. "That you bit your own apprentice's ear?!"
Mistpool shook her head, her eyes huge with fear that wasn't showing.
"Then how do you explain," Acornstar pointed to Darkpaw and Reedpaw. "This?"
Mistpool stayed silent, her expression was still and bit her lip.
"Well?"Acornstar snarled, getting very impatient with the senior warrior.
The Russian blue she-cat still didn't say anything, she turned to look at the warriors and other apprentices. They said nothing. They were all in shock, too.
"I was punishing Darkpaw by sleeping so long that she missed the hunting patrol," Mistpool explained, trying to remain calm.
Darkpaw was trembling, though. She shifted her paws uneasy waiting for a reply from their brown tabby leader.
"You're off the hook for now, Mistpool." Acornstar growled. "But if I catch you hurting your apprentice again, you'll be banished from ShadowClan,"
What in the name of StarClan? Darkpaw was puzzled and a bit enraged.
She looked over at Reedpaw to see him in anger too, except he was more upset. His yellow eyes were blazing in disappointment, she never thought an apprentice like Reedpaw can be so calm but also so mad.
"Darkpaw!" She heard a yowl and saw a pale gray tom running to him.
Rockstorm... Darkpaw thought as he started nuzzling her.
"I was so worried! I'm sorry I couldn't make it to save you, I was patrolling and when I came back you were bloody and..." Darkpaw's father trailed off. "I failed you..."
Darkpaw shook her head, "you didn't fail me!" She meowed, looking at him saddened.
"Just go to Foxpelt and Rabbitpaw, they can fix you." Rockstorm sternly told Darkpaw, nudging her. "I don't want to loose you like your mother,"
Those words stung Darkpaw like a thousand bees. She drooped her tail and padded to the medicine den, knowing that her father was watching her just in case she snuck off. Her green eyes trailed to Foxpelt organizing herbs and Rabbitpaw soaking some moss.
"Hello," she sighed, sitting down on the hard floor.
"Greetings, Darkpaw." Foxpelt replied. "Lie down on the moss, its no problem."
She did as she was told and lied down on one of the dry moss, noticing how comfortable it was. She shifted her paws unevenly and waited for any of them to assist her with herbs.
"I heard there was a fight with you and Mistpool, eh?" She stretched while grabbing some cobwebs.
Darkpaw nodded and looked away.
"This may sting a bit, but please stay still," Foxpelt carefully set down the cobwebs on her bleeding ear, then to her pelt, and finally her leg.
"You should stay here for a while, don't you agree Rabbitpaw?" Foxpelt turned to him.
"Yeah, you should lay off apprentice duties for a day or two," he answered, walking out of the den with the soaked moss that was probably for the elders or queens.
When she turned back to Foxpelt, she was frozen. She was also laying down, but her eyes were on the floor and she payed no attention to her surroundings.
"Foxpelt..?" She whimpered.
She didn't move.
"Are you dead?" She asked, trembling.
No reply.
She soon heard an inhale from her.
"A prophecy," she gasped.
"What?" Darkpaw questioned.
"A message from StarClan." She shook her head and ran out.
A prophecy? She thought, groaning.
"Hey," a voice startled her by her thoughts. "Its me, Rabbitpaw!"
He smiled and skipped to her.
"So, are you feeling bett-"
"Foxpelt received a message from StarClan," Darkpaw blurted out.
"Do you know what it was?" He stopped dead in his tracks.
"When dim light breaks, claws will swipe, and all will perish." she replied. "Don't get your hopes up, I don't know what it means."
Darkpaw eavesdropped.
Rabbitpaw sighed and stretched.
"We must stay patient," he had a slight annoyed tone in his voice.
Patient? Darkpaw snorted. No cat can ever be patient!
"I-I'm sorry for the sudden disappearance, Darkpaw." Foxpelt had came back she looked worried.
"I told Acornstar and she said it may be something horrible," she soon said after that.
"Ah, that cannot be true." Rabbitpaw protested. "Maybe its just something about leaf-bare, but the perish part isn't as violent as we expect.
"Perhaps," Darkpaw smiled awkwardly.
Foxpelt shook her head. "Doubt that," she snarled quietly.
Rabbitpaw shrugged and gave Darkpaw some poppy seeds.
"Those will help you fall asleep," he nudged them forward.
She lowered her head and grabbed one, once she felt the taste, it was very bitter and strong, despite it having no scent at all. Not really sweet, more like... Sour.
"Bitter, I know," Rabbitpaw told her.
Darkpaw suddenly felt a bit dizzy, her sight was getting blurry but she was very tired.
Passing out from tiredness... She thought to herself, quickly getting herself in a comfortable position.
She soon slowly closed her eyes, and then darkness surrounded her.


Darkpaw swiftly blinked open her eyes, her heart was pounding and she was petrified.
"Are you okay?" Foxpelt crept forward, concerned.
"Y-Yeah, just a b-bad dream..." She stammered, remembering how awful it was.
Darkpaw saw a huge wave of cats, all coming for her and Rockstorm.
"Run!" He yelled, as one cat leapt at him.
She started running, her paws were as light as feathers and she couldn't turn back, she couldn't see her father dying. Her heart pounded as blood soared through her ears. You cant stop, she kept telling herself. The words stuck like a needle until finally she reached a dead end and the cats surrounded her. A pure black one leapt and bit her throat and ripped it out. Blood leaked out as her green pupils faded.
Darkpaw shivered and got up. She noticed her cobwebs are gone.
"Where are my-"
"You got well quickly," Foxpelt cut her off.
"You may leave now, Darkpaw." Rabbitpaw replied.
She nodded and strolled out of the Medicine Cat Den. She was feeling much better, and she was pretty elated. Darkpaw soon felt someone tackle her. She gasped and swiped her claws at the sudden attacker.
"Hey, stop!" A voice chuckled.
When she got a better look of who was chuckling, it was happy ol' Reedpaw.
"You scared the StarClan out of me!" Darkpaw smiled and pushed him off.
Reedpaw smiled and giggled once more.
"Im so happy your feeling better," he suddenly said, "I was so worried!"
Darkpaw stretched and looked back.
"Thanks, and you shouldn't worry about me!" She tilted her head.
"Please, I would be worried if you only stepped on a branch and got a splinter!"
Reedpaw cares so much for me... She thought.
"Well, wanna play hide the pinecone?" He asked.
Darkpaw nodded and looked around for a pinecone.
She nosed around in the dens, around the camp, and even in hunting territories. No sight of one pinecone!
"Found one!" Reedpaw called.
They went back to camp joyfully as Reedpaw went to hide the pinecone.
Reedpaw has the worst hiding spots! She thought, joking to herself.
She thought back to the time where he hid a pinecone right next to her! They laughed so hard that they passed out!
"Done!" Reedpaw bumped into her.
Darkpaw nodded and searched around.
"So, I hope you didn't hide it right next to me again?" She teased.
"Hey, I was an amateur!" Reedpaw rolled his eyes.
She looked around the dens, inside of them, and even on top of them! Darkpaw looked at Reedpaw, who was smirking. She was a bit confused, because she couldn't find it at all! Darkpaw was getting so tired that she bumped into a tree.
"I give up!" Darkpaw panted.
"Finally!" Reedpaw laughed and lead her through the camp.
They finally arrived at the apprentices den. He pointed his tail to Darkpaw's nest, which had moss like the rest. Before she lifted the moss up, she noticed Lightpaw staring, like she's trying not to laugh. Then, she lifted the moss up to see the pinecone.
"Haha!" Lightpaw was bursting with laughter.
Darkpaw purred.
"You helped Reedpaw, didn't you?" She growled playfully.
Lightpaw nodded with delight.
"Cheater!" She turned to Reedpaw.
"So, want to go hunting?" Darkpaw asked.
"Won't are mentors be angry?" He replied.
"For bringing back prey and not letting the clan starve? StarClan no!" She joked.
Reedpaw nodded and they raced each other out the camp, happily.
Darkpaw felt a strange feeling within her. Her pelt always felt like ants were biting them, and she felt like her fur turns red.
Was she falling in love with Reedpaw?

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