Chapter Three

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The sounds of thunder crashed down as the heavy rainfall hit the land. The thunderstorm had awaken Darkpaw. All patrols have been cancelled, and the clan has been told to stay indoors. Darkpaw peeked out from the Apprentices Den, seeing the land slowly become muddy. She observed her surroundings, managing to stay dry in the process.
"Observing, huh?" Reedpaw commented, suddenly.
Darkpaw turned around to see her friend, smiling like usual.
"Yeah, I wonder when the thunderstorm will end." Darkpaw replied.
She swished her tail on the ground and light flickered as lightning came down. She was never afraid of lightning nor thunder, but she knew that Stormpaw, Reedpaw's sister, was deathly afraid. Remembering that, Darkpaw realized something. Stormpaw wasn't there.
"Hey, where's Stormpaw?" Darkpaw inquired.
Reedpaw turned, expecting to see his sister, but she was missing.
"I-I don't know." He responded, anxiously.
Darkpaw deeply sighed.
"She's probably hiding somewhere, right?"
Reedpaw nodded.
Darkpaw padded back to her nest and lied down, curling her tail around her body. She took one more look outside and fell back asleep.


"Wake up, Darkpaw!" A familiar voice called.
Darkpaw slowly opened her eyes, yawning, then glancing up. Reedpaw was above her, looking more anxious than ever before. Before she could say anything, she noticed her paws were soaking, and parts of her fur were wet.
"We have to evacuate to higher land, the camp is flooding!" He informed her.
Darkpaw bolted up immediately.
The camp is flooding?! Oh StarClan, where is everyone? She thought.
"Come on, everyone else left!" Reedpaw exclaimed, grabbing Darkpaw by the scruff.
He let Darkpaw down and they started bolting to where the rest of the clan was. They were climbing up a mountain they were quite familiar with, considering how it was close to ShadowClan. As they were sprinting, Darkpaw heard something.
"Wait, I heard something strange!" Darkpaw exclaimed.
"We have no time for this, Darkpaw, just ignore it!" Reedpaw responded.
Darkpaw sighed and just continued. Then, Darkpaw and Reedpaw heard a noise. It sounded like...
A tree falling! Darkpaw thought.
"A tree just fell somewhere, and it sounded close by." Reedpaw stated. "We need to be cautious,"
Darkpaw nodded and they carefully continued, until they heard another tree falling. Then, they see something unbelievable as soon as they spot the clan. The clan was trying to escape from a landslide. They both dart over there to provide help to those in need, but when they arrive, the landslide was right behind them. Darkpaw witnesses them scatter to grab sturdy branches from trees, but some rely on their own strength. She couldn't look away as she shes the landslide strike. Reedpaw was doing the exact same thing as Darkpaw, observing in shock.
"A-Are they... Alive..?" Darkpaw stuttered.
The landslide passes, and some cats are missing.
"W-We have to get to them!" Darkpaw exclaimed.
"Before that, we should also grab a branch because another landslide is coming our way!" He warns.
Darkpaw glances up to see that Reedpaw was correct, another landslide was headed directly for them. Darkpaw panicked and started climbing a tree, only to stop midway to grab a somewhat sturdy branch. She felt mud and water splash onto her, then she heard some crunches. As she held on tight, she felt something snap. Something she was holding on to. Darkpaw opened her eyes to see her falling down the mountain. She opened her mouth to scream, but it wouldn't come out.
T-This is how I die... Darkpaw thought, closing her eyes, bracing for impact.
Hot tears strolled down her cheeks, expecting to die. Then...
Darkpaw opened her eyes, just to close them shut again from the pain. Then she realized that she fell in a river.  She opened her eyes once more, attempting to ignore the stinging and swimming back up. She wasn't like RiverClan, but she tried anyways, it was an instinct to do so. Darkpaw swam up to the top and took a deep breath for air. She scanned the area and couldn't recognize where she was. She swam to land, climbing up, exhausted.
"Where... Am I?" She wondered out loud.
Darkpaw shook the water off her fur and scanned the area once more. She still didn't recognize where she was.
Im lost... Oh no, Im going to die here! Darkpaw started panicking at once.
She took deep breaths and calmed herself down. The mountain was in sight, but the trail where she got up there with Reedpaw was completely gone.
What happened to Reedpaw? Darkpaw thought, worriedly.
She shook those thoughts out of her head and focused on one thing: Surviving. Darkpaw noticed it wasn't raining anymore, which was a good thing. She padded around the area she was in, spotting what seems to be homes of kittypets.
That could be a place to start looking.
Darkpaw wandered over there, but her legs felt weak. Soon, she couldn't even walk that far anymore and her paws ached.
"It couldn't hurt to rest..." She said to herself.
"Or will it?" A voice responded.
Darkpaw's fur raised up, looking around.
"W-Who's there?" She stuttered.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."
A black cat appeared from out of the shadows, but on her face... She had a strange skull pattern right on her face.
"Greetings," she said. "Why are you out here all alone, especially for some cat as young as you?"
The black cat licked her paw.
"Well? Im waiting for an answer." She looked up.
"A-Ah, well, I-I got swept away from the landslide up on the mountain." Darkpaw responded.
"Oh my, how sad. Do you live up there?"
"W-Why do you want to know?" Darkpaw questioned.
"Oh, just curious." The black cat yawned. "Once again, do you live up there?"
Darkpaw shook her head.
"Well then, my name is Skull, what's yours?" Skull asked.
"My name is Darkpaw." Darkpaw responded.
"Darkpaw is a very... interesting name." Skull commented.
Darkpaw ignored the comment and yawned.
"Anyways, what do you mean it would hurt to rest a bit?" She inquired.
"You never know who or what would strike while you're in dream land, now."
Skull is pretty strange, but at least she isn't that pushy.
"Whatever you say, but my legs are struggling to stand up." Darkpaw stated.
"At least find a good place, like in a bush or a hallow in a tree." Skull recommended.
Skull padded over to Darkpaw and grabbed her scruff, bringing her to a tree hallow.
"Rest in there," Skull said, letting her down.
Darkpaw climbed up inside the hallow and lied down. She fit perfectly.
"Since you're little, I'll stay by your side." Skull stated, sitting down by her.
She just sighed and closed her eyes.
Skull is like a guardian, but she has to be a rogue. I can't trust her completely.
Darkpaw peeked and saw her still sitting by the hallow, where she was. She let out a small smile and closed her eyes once more.
Tomorrow, I'll find the clans again.
She then let her mind wander off to sleep.


Sunlight hit Darkpaw's face as she blinked her emerald green eyes open. For a second, she forgot where she was.
Oh right, I got lost.
Darkpaw climbed out of the hallow and saw Skull eating a rabbit she caught.
"Good morning," Darkpaw said to Skull.
"Good morning." Skull responded. "Would you like some prey, Darkpaw?"
Darkpaw nodded and she slid over the rest of the rabbit to her.
"Are you sure you don't want this? The rabbit is very plump." She asked for confirmation.
"Its fine, you are still young, so you deserve it more than I do." Skull replied.
Darkpaw just shrugged and started feasting. In a few moments, she had finished.
"Im going to go look for my clan." Darkpaw stated.
"Your... Clan?" Skull was somewhat confused.
"Of course a rogue wouldn't know." She responded, rather quietly.
"Ah, so cats outside of your "clan", are called rogues, like me, right?" Skull wanted to make sure.
Darkpaw nodded.
"Unless they have a collar on, we call them kittypets." She said.
"Kittypets? You mean those house cats?" Skull asked. "You have some weird names,"
Darkpaw ignored that and started walking towards the twoleg place.
"Hey, Im going to go with you," Skull stated, catching up to her. "Whether you like it or not."
"Im fine on my own," Darkpaw responded.
"No you're not. This area is quite dangerous."
"Whatever you say, Skull." Darkpaw sighed.
It's time... Darkpaw paused and glanced at the twoleg place. It's time to find my clan.

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