November 13

7 0 0

4th hour
I saw him from afar
He was really paying attention to the presentation
I acted like i was looking at the people talking and presenting but in reality i looked a bit farther than that and there he was. His green eyes locked onto board as if he was daydreaming about something other than actually listening. He is tall and sometimes i imagine. What would it be like to hug him? He always wears the same jacket.I wonder if its warm? Warm to be in his arms. I wonder and wonder until it is my turn. My group went uo and my mind went blank.All i had to do was read the slide i made but that was at the end. I waited my turn.My slide is up.i read out loud to the class. When we finished we sat down.i talked with my table mates and forgot about him.when I remembered I realized i had forgotten to get a look at him when i was standing up. *sigh* if only i was a bit more important to him...

This other boy was up to present oh my goshhh he is cute. We talked in the beginning of the year and flirted a bit. But now he doesnt even glance at me. His lips look soft and his hair curly at the cute. Girl next to me is pretty. Round lips white clean skin. She is skinny and has hips.also has a theigh gap . Totally the opposite of me.She is able to communicate with him. Even make him laugh... wow i guess im nothing but a temporary entertainment.

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