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My feelings for j are completely gone now its just... laughing at his jokes and stuff.. but ughhhh boysssss!!
No neck is back into my heart fuckkk
So it first started one day i forgot when but he posted on his story who wants a paragraph or something so i said ...(look)...
And he sent
Tbh you should hmu more, we sorta stopped talking and i never had a nickname for you 🤣but you cute.

Oh god isnt that embarrassing???
I mean we did stop talking i miss that...
And omg
I smiled really big
Never had a nickname for me? Haha is it because i call him no neck? Cute... i mean no
He called me cute.. gosh
He probably says that to all his hoes...
Im going to send that
Me: im weak yeah we did stop talking! When you started to get hoes n shit 😂

I put a laughing emoji so it seems like im kidding but .. im hella serious about it.

Him: 😂what hoes 🤪

Oh god how cringy haha
Mmmm i will answer him later..

The next day in math class i dont know why but i looked over at him and he was looking back at me
Of course me being stupid and awkward i looked away.
That happened like 2 more times that day...so wierd

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