Thursday jan4

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I got to my bus stop on time! Yay so i rode the bus
When i arrived at school i oayed my linch and went to aep but no one was there so i texted my friend to mert me in the cafeteria and we them talked.
1st hour
When i entered the room everyone was there.
I sat down in my seat and realized j__ wasnt there oh i looked down kind of upset and noticed a bag and coat near his chair
Oh so he is here!
Just then he walked in
Physics teacher started talking and showing us a power point
We have an experiment
A mousetrap car?
He said we have to do them in partners and not groups.
I am really dumb so i have no idea how we are going to be successful.
I took out my laptop and started searching for videos on how to make one
I got tired and looked over to j's computer
I watched the video with him. I think we should do that one i told him.
Yeah um thats what i was thinking he agreed.
I smiled and asked, so what are the suplies we will need?
Oh right here
He went back to the video and started it from the beginning.
Wow what is a carbon ...something... rod
What? I was heckaaa confused
I think its this long black stick right here he then pointed to his screen
Oh yeah... probably i responded.
We started talking about the last year and how it went in 8th grade when we did a rubber band car. We had science in different hours so we didnt have it together. He said they were successful. Wow haha i laughed well nobodies in my class was successful even the teacher was disappointed in the class.
Oh god haha he laughed i laughed with him ahhh i love talking to him its so fun.
The bell rung and we got out of class

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