Chapter 10

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Riker Pov:

My memory of how I got here is completely shot. All I know is that I have a severe headache and that I'm no where near my family. I forced myself up, ignoring the pain I was in and leaned against a building that was near me. I looked around and it turns out, I was in an dark alley. As I walked around.. Something came back to me.


Rocky: That was sooo fun we should do things like that with Laura more often!

Rydel: Definetly.

Ross: Yeah it was cool. But Rydel. Did you know about the scars on Laura's back? I'm sure you didn't or you would've told me about it.

Rocky: Scars?

Riker: Um what are you talking about Ross.

Rydel: *Bites her nails nervously* yeah what are you talking about?

Ryland: Can we talk about this later, it's pretty late.

Ross: I'd rather not. Who the hell gave her those scars. Once I find out who it is, that person is dead.

Ratliff: *Holds Rydel closer to him* Dude calm down it could've been an accident or something..

Ross: I don't believe that I'm asking Laura tomorrow.

Rydel: *stands up* Don't do that!

Ross: And why not?

Rydel: Because she didn't even want to talk about it with me you can ask her when she's ready.

Ross: Fine whatever. I bet it was that Parker guy. He seems suspicious.

Rocky: What? No. Parker is an innocent guy stop trying to pin everything on him because you don't like him.

Ratliff: Yeah, he's only known Laura for a few weeks I doubt he has done anything.

Riker: Can we just stop talking about this!!!

Everyone looks at Riker confused.

Riker: And Ross she's not your girlfriend so quit being so protective it's annoying.

Ross: shut up Riker you know exactly why she's not my girlfriend, and I'll protect that girl till the day I die. Don't tell me to quit being protective.

Riker: You know what Ross. I'm gonna ask Laura out tomorrow. And what are you gonna do about it? Nothing, cause your scared. I'm not scared. I love Laura I'm Sure she would love to be my girlfriend.

Ross: *gets angry and balls up his fists* what do you mean you love Laura? I love her Riker. *gets up up and gets in my face.* Stay the fuck away from her.

Rocky: * pulls Ross back* whoa.. Okay you guys I think it's about that time that we all get some rest. Today was a nice day. Why ruin it with your bickering.

Rydel: Yeah everyone should just get some rest and hopefully in the morning you all aren't so cranky.

Ryland: yeah 'hopefully'.

Ratliff: Goodnight!

Everyone else: Goodnight!

-End of Flasback-

I remember up to that. I was so angry I couldn't sleep.. So I got up in the middle of the night, drove around a bit. Grabbed a vodka bottle and started drinking. That explains why I have a headache. I lift up my shirt and all I see are bruises all over my torso and chest. Now I know why I couldn't move but how did I get these?


I was extremely drunk and drove around not knowing where i was going. I was getting really dizzy so I stopped driving and pulled over to a building with an alley next to it. I went into the alley and sat down.

Ross' voice echoed in my head.

'What do you mean you love her Riker. I love her.'

His voice cracked when he said this, and I knew he was upset. But I can't help how I feel. I got up and cuffed my hands infront of my face.

Riker: I love Laura *i yelled*

I kept yelling it and eventually I sunk down and and covered my face.

A/N: Who do you love?

I was startled by the random voice and quickly picked my head up to see who was there.

It was Parker.

Riker:What are y-you doing heree?

My words slurred when I spoke and Parker noticed.

Parker: I could ask you the same thing. Why are you drunk?

I paused for a moment and then told him why.

Riker: I like Laura.

Parker: I know that. You were yelling about it for at least 10 minutes.

Riker: *i shake my head* no you don't understand. Ross is crazy about her. I told him I would ask her out and he told me to stay stay away from her. He's mad at me. And I feel bad..

Parker: *gets up* Ross ugh. I hate that guy. We should take him down together and then you could get Laura.

Riker: *shoots up* what!?! Never! He's my brother..

Parker: you have two options. Help me take down Ross. Or take the hit for your brother.

Riker: he's my little brother I have to protect so I guess I'll take the hit for him. Why do you hate him so much though.

Parker: because he likes Laura and I like Laura.

Riker: so? Is it really that serious?

Parker: yes. I know that she likes him back. And I'll do whatever it takes to get her.

Riker: wait but you said if I help you take out Ross that I could have Laura..

Parker: yeah. It's either I get Laura. Or I hurt Ross. Either one and I'm satisfied.

Riker: wow... Your not who I thought you were.

Parker: that's great and all. *he yells some random names* ready to take the hit for Ross.

Riker: *i nod and close my eyes*

After that all I felt was pain. And everything went black.

-Flashback ends-


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