Chapter 14

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Laura's Pov:

"Sorry but theres nothing to talk about." Ross said and entered the elevator.

I dont understand. Just a couple minutes ago, Ross and I were kissing. Am I a bad kisser? Does he not like me anymore? I'm confused, and even more upset. But now that R5 and Ryland are gone, who am I going to talk about this with?

I slowly walk back to the now empty hotel room, gather my things and take them back to my own hotel room. While walking I see Kat, who I havent talked to in ages. I invited her into my room and told her about the situation.

"Whoa.. That is quite a love triangle you got going there." Kat said and gets up.

"Where are you going?" I say getting up soon after.

"To talk to Parker. Maybe he knows why Rocky hates you and why Ross doesnt want to speak to you." Kat says but I grab her hand and shake my head.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous going alone would be? The guy is crazy, and if he does have anything to do with Rocky and Ross i'm pretty sure he'll make no hesitation to hurt you." I explain and Kat recognizes that im right.

"Fine I wont go now. But when we start filming later today, i'm asking. And i'll get some answers for you." Kat promises and I cant help but smile.

Looks like with Kat, i'm not alone. I really was worried about nothing.

Rocky Pov:

Parker told me that his plan worked and he managed to get Ross to despise Laura. I love this. But Ross looks absolutely miserable, and I dont know what to do. Him and Riker arent talking and he's been ignoring me since I lied about Laura.

Right now, we were on our tour bus to Canada,and as much as I wanted to be exicited, I couldnt. Everything was awkward, and weird between all of us. Except Rydel, Ratliff and Ryland who have no idea of whats happening.

"Ryland when we get to Canada we should watch a hockey game, just the two of us." Ross announces and I cover my face.

"Yea we should watch some hockey, but Riker and Rocky will be there too right?" Ryland asks and Riker shakes his head.

"Im good. I dont wanna be in the same room with someone whos ignoring me for NO reason." Riker said then glared at Ross.

"Yea and I dont want to sit around him knowing he thinks im a liar soo im good too." I say and cross my arms.

Ratliff comes to the back with us and sits between Ross and I.

"Ok ive heard enough." Ratliff said. Then Rydel came and sat in an empty seat next to Riker.

"So have I." Rydel said and they both started ranting.

"You three are brothers. Whatever your fighting about isnt worth loosing the so special bond you all have." Ratliff confesses and then Rydel clears her throat.

"Heres the thing. GET OVER IT AND GO TO THE DAMN HOCKEY GAME TOGETHER. Is that clear?!" Rydel yells in an intimidating tone.

The three of us nodded our heads in fear. Rydel smiled and got up to get back to the front.

"Come on babe, our work here is done."

"Remember guys. Whatever it is, its not worth it." Ratliff whispered and then went to join Rydel.

"Theyre right you know. Im gonna sit with them and let you three work it out." Ryland says and goes to sit with Rydel and Ratliff.

Here comes the awkward silence.

"Look you guys. I have reasons to be mad. Rocky you lied to me, and Riker, who have feelings for the girl I used to have feelings for." Ross said and I looked at him weird.

"Used to?" I say and Ross looks down and plays with his fingers.

"Its a long story that I really dont feel like explaining. It has to do with Parker and Laura. And you Riker." Ross continues.

"What does it have to do with me?" Riker said and Ross turns away from him.

" Id rather not say."

Whats funny is that, I know the whole situation.

" Well Ross, im sorry for lying to you. And Riker, im sorry for... Wait why are you mad at me?" I said. I seriously have no idea.

"Because you trusted Parker. Im pretty sure hes the reason were all having all these issues between us. Hes a snake. Dont listen to a word hes says." Riker said and both Ross and I looked away. We both listened to Parker. And he could be lying about Laura hating me...

Laura Pov:

"And cut. The first scene is finished, so thats a wrap for today." The director yelled and everyone split ways except for Kat, Parker, Shane and I.

"That was quick. Um we must be 'that' good." Shane said and flexed, which caused me to giggle.

" I missed you Shane, we shouldve hung out more during the last few days. I mean we all shouldve but some of us were caught up in a little drama." I said and rolled my eyes at Parker.

"Yea.. About that. Look Laura, can we talk? Alone." Parker said nervously and my eyes averted to Kat who looked like she wanted to snap Parker's neck.

"Sorry but Laura and I are going to the movies. We dont have time to talk to you." Kat said and flipped her hair.

"Can I come too?!" Shane said and I started to laugh again.

"Of course! I can use a laugh." I say and link arms with both Kat and Shane.

"Where are you all going?" Parker said obviously upset.

I feel bad. Maybe we should let him tag along. You know.. So he wont feel left out.

Parker started to walk away but I stopped him.

"Wait. Parker you can come. But just try not to start anything." I said and he smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug. I tried to push away but he was just too strong.

" Hey. No touching her." Kat pulled us apart and I thanked her.

"Why did you do that?" Parker scowled while staring at Kat.

"Because. Laura doesnt want you talking to her, touching her, looking at her, or breathing next to her for the next two weeks. Got it?"  Kat says.

"Whatever. We'll see about that love." Parker says and Kat lunges towards him, but I pull her back.

"Who are you calling love?! Ill take you out with my eyes closed asshole!" Kat yells at Parker while I struggle holding her back.

"Ugh. One day down, 13 more to go." Shane sighed and walked toward the elevator.

The sad thing is, Shanes right. This will be the longest two weeks of my life.


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