Chapter 17

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Ross Pov:

The hockey game was amazing.. 3-19 the win goes to the Bulldogs. That was a breath of fresh air. You know, a relief from the usual drama. We all forgot about the chaos happening for once and just enjoyed the game. I even let Riker paint my face and i helped him paint his. But now. 

The funs over.

As soon i we walk into our hotel room Rydel runs towards Riker jumping like shes just had 10 coffees. Riker throws his hands up in defense.

"Um you seem a little excited to see me sis. Whats the occasion?" Riker said. Rydel points to his phone and his eyes widen.

"You found her?!" Riker says and grabs his phone from Rydel.

"Yep just look for Daniella with a heart next to it and you got your girl! i called her earlier, and well.. Lets just say she rather you ask her out then me." Rydel annonced and covered her face.

"You asked her out for me? Haha priceless. Ill call her in a couple minutes." Riker says with a huge smile pastered across his face. Whos Daniella? And why does Riker want to go out with her? I thought Riker was in love with Laura and Laura was in love with him? That two timing, backstabbing, manipulative jerk..

Rikers going down .

If he was gonna talk about cheating on Laura, he shouldve done it more quietly, or at least had the decency to whisper.

I got up from my bed, since they were done conversing about this Daniella girl and went over to where Rydel and Riker were. They werent there. But lucky for me Rikers phone was.

I took his phone and slid it into my pocket, then looked around to see if anyone saw me take it. Nobody. Good. I abruptly turn around and Ratliff is directly behind me. I bump into him and a high pitch scream accidently makes its way out.

"Dude you scream like a bitch." Raliff blurts out and starts laughing.

"Anyways. Why are you looking around like you just stole something?" Ratliff asks me after catching his breath.

"Because i uh took the last pack of Rydels fruit snacks. I love these things no wonder Rydel buys so many of them. Mmm good. Well im tired, its late i should get going." I expalin and start to walk away but Ratliff grabs my shoulder. I turn towards him and he shakes his head slightly,

"Make sure you replace Rydels fruit snacks that you took. You know how cranky she gets when her things go missing." Ratliff says and i quickly nod. He pats my back and goes to his room and i quickly speed off into mine. Thank god were not sharing hotel rooms here or i would have a serious problem.

I jumped into my bed and took Rikers phone out of my pocket. Theres a password. Great.. I quicky try my moms name, r5, Lynch, his name, anything i could think of. None of them were right. I might as well just give up, how, out of all the possible passwords will i come up with Rikers.

Then i thought about it.

Why didnt i think of this before?

"L-A-U-R-A." I said out loud while i typed it in, And i was right. Im not gonna ask why Laura is his password, ill just let this one pass.

I went to his contacts and remembered what Rydel told Riker while i was easedropping. Daniella with a heart next it. I looked through the contacts and found it, and immediately called with no hesitation. I shoulve probably planned out what i was going to say. Crap..

"Hello Riker?" Daniella said on the phone, and i tryed to change my voice as much as i could to sound like Riker. 

"Daniella! Hi." I said, unsure whether she would believe i was Riker or not.

"Um you okay? You sound weird."

"Im fine, just a little cold. Anyways, you seem like a nice girl and all but your not my type. Your way too depression for me, and your not all that attractive." I said. Actually, i have no idea how this girl looks like. I just have to make sure she doesnt want to go out with Riker anymore.

"Well then. If you think im depressing and ugly then whyd you call. Do me a favor, delete my number and dont contact me again. Bye Riker." Daniella said then hung up.

I didnt mean to hurt her but, Riker was gonna hurt Laura and Daniella at the end. I might as well just save her the agony now. 



PLEASE comment on this chapter and vote. Comment if u want me to continue this book, cause i have a lot of ideas left. And share

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