Ezra's Birthday Party

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17 years later, Ezra was choosing perfect clothe for his birthday party. Finally, he choosed orange clothe and he worn it. Sundelly, Chopper the waiter was going to checking out. Ezra told him that he was ready.

Then Chopper invited Ezra to the ball room, where everyone celebrated. Arrived on ball room, Ezra saw many people who wanna seeing him.

First, he was nervous but he felt something on his shoulder and it turned out, it was his dad, King Kanan.

"Hey, are you okay ?" Kanan asked to his son.

"I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach." Ezra told his dad.

"Don't worry son, everything will be okay." Then they down to the bottom to celebrated Ezra's birthday.

The party was going perfect till many people gave gift for Ezra, especially his dad.

"Here Ezra, I hope you like it." Then Ezra opened the gift and he just got his own lightsaber. He was happy as he looked at his dad. "Thank you Dad, I love it." Then he hugged his dad and King Kanan hugged his son back "You welcome son."

After that, Sabine ordered the music group for dance party. Everyone danced happily, except Ezra. He was nervous then he started dancing but he didn't dance well. He blocked few people and fell down on the floor.

Everybody were laughing at him, expect King Kanan and Queen Hera but Ezra was shaming himself and cried as he went to his room. Meanwhile, King Kanan stopped Zeb and Sabine who were laughing too.

At room, Ezra cried on the bed and closed his face with a pillow. Sundelly, he heard his mom went into his room and sat on the bed.

"Ezra, are you okay, my honey star." Queen Hera asked as she touched Ezra's cheek.

"No, I'm not fine mom. I'm so shaming. I don't know how to dance and everyone laughing at me." Ezra explained to his mom then he countinued crying.

Queen Hera holded Ezra's hand as she said to him "Ezra, everything will be okay. Just like your dad always saying to you. You have to find who you are and I know, you'll make right thing for your life."

Then Ezra looked at her mom and he started smiling. After that, Hera gave Ezra a gift. Ezra opened the door and it turned out, it was journey book. "This one will help you to find a way." Hera said to her son.

"Thank you mom." They hugged each other. Then Queen Hera went out Ezra's room. After she went, Ezra started looked beautiful night from the window as he wrote on his journey.

He just wished that he got a best friend who wanna doing adventure with him.

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