TRSTM pt 2 : The Party is Going to be Start It

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King Kanan went to Ezra's room for talked with him. He knocked the door and opened the door slowly. He saw Ezra sat and cried on his bed. He sat beside him then he lifted Ezra's head.

"Ezra, I know you have a hard life, but you'll find your way to making your world."

Ezra started looking him and said to his dad "But dad, I'm weak prince ! How I can brave if everyone laugh at me."

"Hey, you aren't weak. You perfect to me, no matter what what they said. I tell you something, son. You don't have to someone else, believe yourself that you can doing with your way." Kanan told his son as he put a hand on Ezra's shoulder.

Then Ezra looked at him again. Sundelly, his body started shining. He was shocking. King Kanan calmed him down.

"Don't worry kid. Everything will be okay."

Then Ezra smiled at him. After that, they walked back to the ball room. At the time, they met with Sabine and Zeb. They talked about dance competition that Starla made. At their talk, Ezra still afraid about that. He started shining again.

Sabine and Zeb saw the light not far from them. Ezra hid behind his dad. They just knew that was a sunlight. Soon after that, they went to the ball room. After they left them, Ezra relieved but still afraid. Kanan calmed him down then they countinued walking.

Meanwhile, Starla saw everything while she was sneaking. She just reliezed that Ezra have his own power. She gonna found his dad.

"Dad, Dad ! You won't what I gonna tell you ! Ezra have his own power !" She shouted angrily.

"He have ? Well, that's good." King Kallus said smiling.

"What ?! Why ?" She asked as she shouted.

"Because he afraid to use it, my smart Princess. His power have a weakness that he will can't control it." He said then he laught.

They started laughing together. Then they walked to the ball room where the plan was starting. They already making big susprise for everyone.

To be countinued.....

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