Find Your Way

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Ezra and Jai were back to school together again in Kingdom School. At the time, Ezra fell down and everyone laught him, except Jai. He helped his best friend to standing up.

It turned out, Ezra slipped by banana as Jai took it and threw in the trash. After that, they went to their class. They saw class tree called Starheart. Sundelly, they shouted as they turned out, it was Princess Starla.

"Hello, little boys." She said cockily.

"Hey, were'nt little anymore !" Jai said angried and doing eye contract with her.

"Whatever, because I gonna win this one." Starla said as she used her fan

After she left, Ezra and Jai sat their own place and prepared their notebooks. Then their teacher came in and introduced herself.

"Hello, my princes and princesses. My name is Ahsoka. I'm your new teacher and new queen Starheart kingdom. I'll help find your way."

Then she took her special dark blue diamond and show them. "My special diamond will help you to choose it. Starla, you first." Queen Ahsoka pointed to Starla.

"Yes ! I'm gonna be a best princess on the whole world !" She said cockily again.

She immediately touched that diamond and that diamond started shining. They were impressing. Sundelly, there were radio and CDs. Queen Ahsoka told Princess Starla that Starla will take dance class.

She shouted and told everyone in the whole class "Yes, I'm gonna be better than you all."

That was made Jai mad but Ezra calmed him down as he put a hand on his best friend's shoulder. After waited got the turn, finally it was Ezra turn to find his way.

He walked slowly as he hoped he will take a right class. He touched that diamond and felt it. Soon after that, he opened his eyes as Queen Ahsoka said to him.

"Ezra, you will take sword fight class."

He was shocking and unbelieved he will be a jedi knight like his dad. He celebrated it with Jai. "I will become a Jedi Knight !" "Congratulations Ezra. I know your dad must proud of you." Jai said as he put a hand on Ezra's shoulder.

But Ezra started not comfortable when Starla mocked him "Ah, you just little unless jedi." Then she laught.

After she left, Ezra started sad while Jai was calming him down. The a bell was ringing and it was time to go home.

"Okay, everyone. That's all for today. Tomorrow you all will have your own classes."

At night, Ezra wrote on his journey for his first day of kingdom school. He choosed to taking a sword fight class. After that, he looked his picture of him and his dad when they were playing sword fight.

Dad, I'll follow my way to make better place for us 😊

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