Swap X Yellowfang (PART 1)

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The gang was walking home with their daughters when Swapfell jumped, sending snow into the air as he stopped in front of a heap covered by a thin, small, and purple blanket. Sakira (Wingding's daughter) lifted the blanket and stared in shock at the sight of a dark-skinned girl with shaggy grey hair, a torn ear, and a full ear, a tail, a crop-top and a skirt.

"Holy crow. Who wears a skirt and crop-top in the middle of winter?"

Sakira asked. Swap, now at the front of the group, picked the girl up, blanket and all, and carried her to the house, fully aware of the blood coming from her open scars. B's skele-brows arches downwards in disapproval as Swap placed the unconscious female down on his bed.

B got up and left to sleep on the couch while Swap applied a bandage to a large 'X' shaped scar above her nose. The girl stirred and lifted her head off the pillow. She screeched and started to claw at the bandage on her face, causing Swap to jump. "What the?!" Swap exclaimed, eye sockets wide with alarm.

The girl succeeded in getting the bandage off, and reached to a corner above her and pulled down a cluster of cobweb's. She pushed the cobwebs over her wound, and the harsh bleeding stopped.

Swap kinda just stared, awestruck, as the girl collapsed into sleep. Swap made himself a small bed on the floor and slept there for the night.


"Please Be Okay..."


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