Swapfell X Heather LEMON

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(A/N: this shit was so hard to write. I kept going back and changing things LIKE FIFTY TIMES!)

Heather sat on Swapfell's bed with him, reading a book, jumping as the book was thrown across the room, and the lights turned off and the door locked.

She turned and looked at Swapfell's silhouette, blushing crazily as Swapfell took Heather by the waist, pulling her onto his lap and gently gripping her chin and making her look up at him. Heather's cheeks went a deep shade of red as Swapfell brought her into a very heated kiss.

Heather gasped as Swapfell bit her bottom lip, slipping his tongue into her mouth as she gasped, his hand on her chest as he lay her against the bed, breaking the kiss and nipping her neck. "W-What are you doing..?" Heather breathed out, her face bright red. Swapfell smirked. "Hush, love. We've been together for some time now.. it's high time we do this..." He whispered to Heather, his breath on her neck making her shiver.

Swapfell trailed his finger down her body, slipping it underneath her shirt to rub Heather's stomach. Heather inhaled sharply at the touch, as Swapfell's hands were quite cold. Swapfell moved his hand up, slipping under her bra, his smirk growing as Heather moaned lightly. Swapfell lifted Heather's shirt, pulling it off before slipping her bra off.

Heather instantly moved her hands to cover her chest, embarrassed. Swapfell took Heather's wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head. Heather squeaked and shifted, trying to cover her exposed chest. Swapfell ran his fingers across Heather's chest, letting his touch linger for a few moments before his left eye glowed and he brought both hands down to Heather's sides.

Heather tried to move her hands, but her wrists were being held down by magic, and her struggling did nothing. Swapfell started to pull down Heather's leggings, stopping for a moment to look up and admire his lover. He was lucky. So many had tried to be with the woman in front of him, and none had succeeded except for him.

Heather inhaled as Swapfell removed her leggings, leaving her only in her underwear. Swapfell smirked, pulling on her underwear a bit. Heather closed her eyes, waiting for the cold air to touch her, but it didn't. She opened her eyes. That's when the cold air hit her. She gasped from the sudden feeling of the cold, but quickly got used to it and she lay there, still.

Swapfell gave her opening a small stroke with his finger as he put his hands on her thighs and pushed them apart, his eye flashed again and her ankles were held apart by the same magic holding her wrists. Heather inhaled sharply, her eyes widening as Swapfell gave her a small lick before he came up to give her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Come on... you know you want this..~" He cooed. Heather was far too embarrassed to answer him.

Swapfell smirked and came back down, giving Heather's entrance a second lick, this one lasting longer as he pushed some hair out of Heather's face. Heather gasped as Swapfell started to lap at her core. "Nn.." Heather moaned, biting down on her lip before moaning again. "A....ahh..."

Swapfell pulled himself up, grinning. Heather whimpered at the loss of physical contact, her closed eyes opening slightly. "W....Why did you stop...?" She whispered. Swapfell chuckled before he placed his finger against her opening. "Because, I can't do that forever.." He said before pushing his finger in. Heather gasped at the sudden touch. "N-Nyah!" Heather moaned loudly

Swapfell smirked, adding another finger. Heather gasped again as she closed her eyes and slowly adjusted before she felt Swapfell pull his fingers out. She opened her eyes and saw Swapfell remove his shirt. He then removed his jeans and boxers, leaning over Heather. "First time?" He asked. Heather nodded nervously. "I'll try my best to keep it painless." Swapfell said, her ankles free again. Heather bit her lip in attempt to silence a scream of pain.

Swapfell stayed still for a bit, allowing Heather to adjust. Heather nodded after a few moments, a gasp escaping her lips as Swapfell slowly began to move, holding Heather as he did so. Heather moaned quietly, her fingers gripping the sheets tightly. "N.....ngyah...." She moaned as Swapfell began to move faster, holding her close to him.

Heather felt a knot form in her stomach. Swapfell was becoming weaker with each movement he made. "F-Fuck.." He said as he came. Heather felt her high leaving as Swapfell pulled out, throwing the blanket over the two of them, snuggling up to Heather.

"I love you.." Swapfell whispered

"I love you too..." Heather said, holding Swapfell.

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