Fell X Jayfeather (Lemon)

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Jayfeather sat on the couch next to Fell. She groaned angrily. "This is so UNCOMFORTABLE." She said. Everyone looked at her. "What?" Swap asked. Jayfeather grumbled something. "Kiddo, we cant hear you if your grumbling." Fell said. "I'm in heat." Jayfeather said, sighing as everyone gave a small "Oh."

She turned to see Fell very red in the face. "Uhm, Fell are you okay..?" She asked. Fell nodded. "Uh, Yeah!" He said. Jayfeather nodded and went upstairs into her room, laying on her bed. "OH-HO FUCK MY SOUL AND CALL ME KAITLYN!" She shouted.

Swap looked at Fell. "Well, you heard her, right?" He asked. Fell nodded. Stars chimed in. "So, go do that." He said. Fell flushed. "W-WHAT?!" He said before sighing. "Good god you guys are fucked up." He said before getting up and walking into Jayfeather's room. He closed the door and locked it, getting on the bed and crawling over to Jayfeather.

Jayfeather looked up and saw Fell. She blushed lightly. "H-Hi.." She said quietly, gasping as Fell pinned her down to the bed and kissed her neck. "A-Ah~" Jayfeather moaned quietly as Fell bit her sensitive area. Fell smirked deviously and bit harder. "Nya~!" Jayfeather squeaked, moaning lightly as Fell slipped a hand under shirt and touched her soul.

Fell gripped Jayfeather's soul, bringing it out and examining it. Filled with lust and need. How wonderful. Fell slowly stroked Jayfeather's soul, listening to her moan. "A-Ah... fuck....~" Jayfeather managed to say, moaning more as Fell rubbed her soul. "N...ngah..." She moaned, her face bright red. Fell rubbed her soul faster. "Ah~! F-Fuck that f-feels good~!" Jayfeather moaned once more, digging her nails into the sheets of her bed.

Fell leaned down and licked Jayfeather's soul, making her arch her back. "Ngah~! P-Please! D-Don't s-stop!" She begged, her tail curled into a heart shape. Fell nodded, licking her soul faster. Jayfeather's eyes rolled back and she moaned again, she had to grip the sheets to stop herself from moving. Jayfeather gasped as Fell gently nipped her soul, making her moan in pure ecstasy. "G-Good lord~!" She said, a hand tightly gripping Fell's wrist as she sat up, falling into Fell's chest. "H-How is it p-possible for you to m-make me feel t-this much pleasure~?!" She asked through moans and gasps. She arched her back again. "A-ah! F-Fell! I'm c-close~!" She said. Fell nodded and continued to lick her soul. Jayfeather gave one last moan as she came, wrapping her arms around Fell's waist. "F-Fuck that felt good.." She said as Fell wrapped his arms around her small and fragile body. "I love you, darling.." Fell said. Jayfeather nodded. "I.. I love you too.." She said, her eyes closing as she drifted off to sleep. She would change when she woke up.

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