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One would think that Becca, the real Becca; loves what Mr Aldin's doing, but she doesn't. He uses her body for evil. He controls her and does whatever he wants. She isn't even allowed to see her family, he's kept her hostage, and he tortures her mentally.

She can even feel it, his anger, his hatred; and even his insanity. It's like he is slowly becoming one with her, and that's terrifying.

Mr Aldin walked around the entrance area, scanning his kids, his frozen kids. They were watching him as he paced, with fear.

"Lights off, begin!"

All that could be heard, were feet running wildly on the floor, trying to get away and hide,  to be safe till the end.

This time it was Hannah who was hiding for her life, she didn't come to Mr Aldin, nor did she know of him and his power. It was that fateful day at school when Mr Aldin came to their school, froze the teachers and forced the entire school to play his game. Her being a frozen kid is completely unfair, she didn't ask for this, but she was thrown into this game. She wants to hide, she needs it, but she doesn't know anymore.

She made her way to the art room, the painting of Pamela was illuminating, it was glorious. She touched it, and her hand went into it. Her heart nearly stopped, she wasn't expecting that to happen. She heard footsteps, and stupid as it sounds, she hid behind the heavy curtains.

A demon entered the art room. It's as if they can sense these children. He walked around, searching for his next victim. Panic struck her when he neared her, she trembled, and she wondered if he could see the curtains as they moved. But he didn't spot her, he left the room, and she sighed in relief.

She wanted to leave the art room because it smelled like rotten body parts.

"Hello?" She heard a soft feminine voice. She stopped and looked back at the painting.

Standing before the painting was Pamela, and she was still glowing as the painting did. She looked glorious, like an angel.

"Pamela?" The girl whispered.

"Uh yeah, where am I? What are...?" She asked, completely confused.

"Pamela, you have to help us," the girl pleaded, Pam looked at her, not knowing what she meant or anything.

She stood there, looking at Hannah, trying to process everything that was happening, when it all came back to her, again. Mr Aldin just wants her to forget because she can stop this nonsense. She's the only one brave enough to fight him, the only one here not under his zombified spell.

"I get it now, the game. You're in the middle of the game... What're the stakes?"

"If he wins, we're his and we sacrifice ourselves tonight. Making the book stronger already, if Austin wins..."

"... Woah! Austin?"

"Yeah, he took over your work,"

"That's not fair towards him," Pam said, instantly feeling guilty.

"I know, but he's doing it for his friends,"

"I was a bad friend, I decided to stay in the painting... For what? So that I could have my complete family? My dad doesn't care about me, nor will he ever," she said and started crying about what she decided, and about how her life itself isn't perfect.

She threw herself on the ground, crying. Hannah walked towards her and sat down beside her. She didn't know what to do, and placed her hand on Pam's shoulder, consoling her.

"I wasn't prepared for this you know, it just all happened so fast,"

"You were brought here by the universe for this. It was supposed to be you,"

"I can't do this, not on my own,"

"You're not on your own. You have Lacey, Todd, Roger, Austin and a ton of other angry kids that have had enough. Now get up, wipe your tears and be strong," Hannah told, Pamela smiled.

"Sounds like a plan," she replied and got to her feet.

"I think that we should change the game up a bit, make it much fairer," Pamela said.

They made their way bravely downstairs, not hiding or ducking.

"HEY MR ALDIN! Guess who's back?" Pam said, the light instantly went on and in a blink of an eye, he stood before her.

All the kids made their way downstairs, all very happy to see Pamela.

"What do you want here?" He asked out in anger, but she ignored him and ran to her friends. She hugged them and apologized for not coming out sooner.

The anger on Mr Aldin's face could be read and seen visibly. It made everyone around so happy to see their hope.

"Pamela, how nice to see you," Mr Aldin said, she turned her attention off from her friends and walked up to him.

"Well I'll be honest here, it is not nice to see your face," she said very smugly "in fact it's not nice to be in this mansion, and to be near you in general," he laughed.

"Then why are you here? Go back to the painting, it was paradise after all,"

"Life Mr Aldin, life can be cruel, but what I have learned is that you don't run away from life's problems. You face them, and you are one heck of a problem," he chuckled.

"So what I'm hearing is that you've come to finish the game?"


"Okay then, lights off..."

"No, not like this. Do you think it's fair to play against demons? We want weapons so that we can hunt them down just as much as they can hunt us down. And I don't mean weapons like knives and other useless things that won't harm them, we want weapons that can hurt them," she told.

"Fine then, anything to finish the game and win,"

He opened his arms and neon flaming knives appeared as if he summoned them.

"It's like a knife, it can cut and penetrate them, and once they're dead they're going to hell. Happy?"

"More than,"

"Great." He said very annoyed.

"Lights off! Begin!"

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