Chapter Fourteen

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Lacey slowly opened her heavy eyelids, she had no idea where she was or how she got there.
All she knows is that she is in shackles, laying inside a tin like a thing that's shaped in her body.

She can vaguely smell burning rubber, the surrounding room was very dark and that scared her. She looked around and saw numerous naked mannequins and a few wax dolls, only a while later did she notice the big pot-like thing dangling above her.

Lacey started freaking out and started calling for help when Becca entered the dark room.

“Hello, Lacey,” she said and folded her arms, she walked up to the table where Lacey was tied up and looked down at her.

“What are you doing?” She asked bravely, but she was terrified. Becca smiled and touched Lacey's face, gently stroking it.

“I've always thought you were pretty, you have a certain doll-like beauty that must be captured.” She said and started laughing, Lacey spat her right in the face, angering Becca.

Becca wouldn't have it and smacked her.

“Release it” she ordered one of her demons and stepped aside.

The heavy pot hanging above Lacey slowly started turning, Lacey's eyes went big with shock, inside was hot burning wax.

It fell on her, it burned like hell. Lacey screamed out in pain, it felt like she was being cooked alive. Her screams were a joyful sound to Mr Aldin, and that's why Becca couldn't help but smile.

Lacey felt as if she could die at this instant, that burning rubber smell was mixed in with fresh blood.

After the boiling wax was thrown out on Lacey's entire body, she lay there and felt as if the wax became one with her body. She cried, it felt like her eyeballs could burst out from all the crying and the heat she was experiencing right now.
She lay there, and became completely still, completely wax.

Mr Aldin took the new Lacey wax doll and placed it in his art room, along with his live art.


Todd awoke the next day, normally Lacey would play her slow rock music softly in her room, but not today. That's when he felt strongly inside him that something was wrong, he didn't still wait to finish up, he went straight to her room and knocked on her door.

He stood there, hoping that she was okay. She didn't reply. He tried again, but that same dead silence surrounded him. He slowly opened her bedroom door and went inside. Her bed was neatly made and there was no sign that she was ever there last night.

He felt warm tears falling down his cheeks and knew exactly what happened. Mr Lacey was starting to work on his last nerve, he has somewhat managed to get hold of his only sister. Sure, Todd knew that this day would come, he saw how all the frozen kids were being taken one by one. He just kind of wished that Mr Aldin took him before her because taking his sister before him hurt.

He wasted no time, he called his mother upstairs and told her that Lacey was missing. They called the police, and he was told that he didn't have to go to school today, but he insisted that he was fine and wanted to go to school.

''Don't worry too much my son, the police will find her, and they will find Pam'' his mother assured, but Todd knew that this wasn't for the cops. They wouldn't even believe all the frozen kids if they were to tell them all they've gone through. He just smiled at his mother, kissed her on the cheek and went off to school.


Roger was tired, the school can sure suck the life out of a person.

“I sure do love rag dolls,” Becca said the moment he entered his room.

She was looking out of the window, not facing him. Roger placed his bag down on the floor and was a bit afraid of seeing her.

What is she planning?

He wondered. He was slouching and figured it would make him look a bit intimidated, so he stood up straight.

“What do you want here?” He asked her, surprised that his voice wasn't shaking.

She turned around slowly and reached out her hand, shutting the door behind him with a loud smash, standing at the other end of the room.

She reached out her hand again, this time a rope came from the palm of her hand, and the ropes wrapped themselves tightly around Roger. He tried screaming, but she pushed him to the floor and started stitching his lips first.

He cried out loud, but it couldn't be heard.
Then she went to his eyelids and started stitching those. It hurt a lot, she used a stranger's skin and stitched it unto him. It stank, and it hurt, and the smell of his blood made him gag in his mouth.

“Hey, Rog...” Austin said entering his friend's room and saw Becca sitting on top of Roger. Becca froze in shock before she disappeared into thin air.

“Roger! Are you okay?” He asked, fully alarmed and ran up to him. The stitches fell off and the skin she stitched on him disappeared. He lifted Roger to his feet, he was panting heavily.

“Are you okay?” He asked again.

“Yes, I'm sure.”

“What was she doing?” He asked and sat down on Roger's bed, Roger joined him.

“Believe it or not, I think she was making live art out of me.”

“Live art?”

“Yeah, taking it to the next step. Thanks for coming and saving me.” He said, and shuddered when he thought about what happened.

“Do you think that's what they've been doing to the rest of them?” Asked Austin.

“I do… I think so very much.”

“Wait! Didn't Todd and Kim say there has been some art in the mansion resembling the missing ones?”

“Yes, in Mr Harmon's art room.” He replied. They looked at each other and smiled as if they'd found a hidden treasure.

“Thinking what I'm thinking?” Asked Roger.

“You bet your rag ass I do,” Austin replied, and they laughed.

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