How can I save the happiness?
How can I go back to my old self?
How can I be myself again?
How can I save my old life?Everything is different
Everything feels different
Everything has changed
Everything is differentHow can I escape?
How can I stop this?
How can I end the pain?
How can I escape the overthinking?Everyone is different
Everyone feels different
Everyone changes into something different
Everyone is differentHow can I change my mind?
How can I get better?
How can I know the truth?
How can I change my feelings?Every day is different
Every day feels different
Every day changes me more into someone different
Every day is differentHow can I reach the light?
How can I escape the darkness?
How can I become my true self?
How can I reach my goals?Every glance is different
Every glance lets me feel more different
Every glance chances me into someone different
Every glance is differentHow can I live without these thoughts?
Without these fears?
Without these doubts?
How can I live in childish peace again?Everything changes into something different
Something wonderfulEveryone changes into someone different
Their true selvesEvery day changes something different
Into something betterEvery glance is different
But only your own opinion matters____________________
This just came to my mind. It's shit I know but I hope some of you get the message.