Chapter 4

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Sara's POV

The bad feeling in my stomach had become much worse. I had the same exact feeling when I waslittle and my dad died in a car crash while he was driving to a party. I  had to get my mind off of the feeling and just focus on the road. I looked over at Tatiana who was mindlessly staring out of thewindow and when I looked back at the road I saw an out of control tractor trailer sliding all over the place. I reached over and grabbed Tatiana's hand and then we just braced for the impact. Just as I expected, BAM! The tractor trailer hit us head on and we spun out of control and over the near by cliff. As we fell down the cliff glass shattered all over us, debri fell in and out of the car and somehow our seat-belts came undone and we tossed and turned in every way possible. Once the car stopped spinning and twisting, I examined myself to see if I had any cuts only to find a piece of glass in my hand and a few cuts on my forehead. I sighed with relief than I looked over at Tatiana. She had taken the impact harder then I did. Shge had fresh cuts, glass shattered all over her, and she was unconcious."OH MY GOSH TATIANA!" I screamed as I shook her. I found a pulse so that relieved a little bit of my guilt. I forgot my phone back at flat so I reached into Tatiana's coat pocket and dialed 999. Minutes later, I heard sirens and I saw flashing lights appear into my line of sight.

    When the paramedics came, I told them to take Tatiana out and take her to the hospital  first since she had the worst injuries out of the two of us. They agreed with me and we were both driven to the hospital for observation and treatment. As soon as we arrived at the hospital they rushed her into the emergency room. Unlike her, I just had to get a few stitches and a bandage and I was free to go. I felt so bad! I only have a bandage and poor Tatiana had to go directly into the emergency room. I just sat in the hospital waiting room with my head in my hands as I sobbed for a good amount of time. The second I was done sobbing, Liam's solo in Midnight Memories starting blaring from Tatiana's phone. Oh great. It was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. Liam

A/N: I dedicated this to tdirectioner19 because she plays Tatiana in When Sparks Die and I thought this was the right time. Here's chapter four everyone! Now most of you probally hate me right now but I'm sorry"! There had to be some drama or it would've been boring! Now take a look at my background. You see the purple spark thingy in it. There are two parts behind the meaning of that. Who ever can figure out part 1 the fastest will get a dedication on a future chapter and a guest starring in my book! Stay weird and awesome everyone! 

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