+ my selfish mind is constantly leaving people behind +

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I've taken awhile,
I've forgotten to say hi.
I just wanted to drop by,
do you still remember me?
I remember you perfectly,
you look a little different. Is that because of me?

Your eyes tell a distant story filled with heartache and loss, I know I left, I know I can never repay the damage I made at your cost.

But, hey, I'm back. I can try to rebuild the broken pieces of your heart, but it's pretty hard to do when my own is in two.

I left in hopes that you'd become happy, I guess I always wished things that would never come true. I'm happy, sorry I forgot we're not talking about me.

We're talking about you, how have you been? Have you been getting enough sleep? Did you eat?

You're sickly thin, your eyes tell the story of how you stay up far too late every night.
I know it isn't right to come back here and expect like it to be the way it was before, it's selfish of me to even fathom that.

I am not here for what was, I'm here to let you know that it's okay. If you take a breath, let it settle in, find your mind and take your time. Everything might be fine.

I know I have the tendency to do it too, whenever I'm sad I think of all the bad things. The things that get me down, I want to be sad because, when I'm sad that's the only time people care. But that's not true, for you always cared about me, didn't you?

That's not the point, the point here is you, I'm here to let you know even if you're happy, or sad, I'm here and I care.

You can take out your frustrations on me, I know that you have them, your eyes are saying everything. I know you're mad that I went away.

But hey, I'm back.

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