+ loves quite a funny thing when you're in love with quite a funny being +

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I sit next to the boy that stole a piece of my heart.

We share headphones, his is the left, mine is always the right.

We listen to angsty teen music because, well that's the only music he likes.

He's too embarrassed to kiss in day light, so we do it at night.

Whether he's embarrassed to let people see, or he's embarrassed of me, I don't mind.

I don't mind because he's mine, only the moon gets to see our kisses.

The sun doesn't get a peak.

He is always trying so hard to be bad, to seem as though he doesn't care. Truth is, it's easy to see that he cares too much.

He likes to seem cool, he likes to seem tough, and strong. But, behind that exterior, he's like a melancholy song.

But, I just sing along. The girls don't like that I'm with him, but they don't truly know. They can't handle him, as far as they know he only likes baseball.

But there is so much more, his soul is something I adore.

He doesn't like feelings, which I understand. But, just like before, the moon and I are the only things that get to see what's underneath.

And that's what makes me special, I get to know the boy with a sad smile. I get to hold his hand, but only underneath the moon. Which makes me swoon.

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