Into the labyrinth

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                    🐺Percy's pov🐺

"It's the labyrinth Chiron. I think we should do a quest. To see if Ethan is inside it trying to get inside the camp." Annabeth argued with Chiron. I figured I step in.

"Chiron she's right. Daedalus is still alive and we need to find him before Ethan does." I told him.

"How do you know he is alive?" Chiron asked. I knew Quintus was Daedalus, but we need him here right now ugh.

"Hades. Uncle hades and Minos keep complaining about him." I say.

"Ok, fine Annabeth go see the oracle." He told her. Quintus nodded to me in thanks for not telling that he was Daedalus. Dumb people trying to avoid death. Thanatos hates those types. If you are wondering how I know Thanatos it's because I visit hades a lot. I know what happens, but that's only when I'm near Tartarus. Am I getting off-topic? Stupid ADHD.


When Annabeth came back she was pale. Thalia, Luke, and Grover all looked worried. I think I did too.

"What's the prophecy Annabeth?" Quintus asked.

She swallowed hard and said:
"You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze,
The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise,
You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand,
The child of Athena's final stand.
Destroy with a hero's final breath,
And lose a love to worse than death."

"Dang that's... bad," Nico said. I looked at him giving him a 'not right now' look and for a second a saw what looked like Minos. I was a little shocked but pulled myself back together.

"Ok let's look at the prophecy ok?" They all nodded. "The first line is talking about the labyrinth. The fourth line may be talking about Annabeth or Daedalus as they are both children of Athena. The last line could mean anything if I'm being honest and I have no clue what the others mean so sorry there. That's all I got." I said. Everyone nodded and Nico didn't look as good as he did before. One line was stuck in my head. 'The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise, You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand'. What does it mean? Who is the dead? Is it talking about Daedalus or Minos or... Nico. No, it can't be Nico that's stupid. The traitor. Could it be talking about Ethan? Maybe or maybe not. And what's this about the lost one. Who's the ghost king. Something that hades said came back to me. 'control most ghost'. What does that mean? Ok, so the ghost kid could be me, very unlikely, Minos, or Nico. Bianca isn't as good with her powers as Nico. This makes no sense. I realized someone calling my name.

"—ercy. PERCY!" They yelled.

"GAH!" I fell out of my chair. "What the hades!"

"Annabeth asked you something kelp head," Thalia said.

"Oh ok, what's up Annabeth?" I asked.

"Will you join us on the quest?" I nodded to her and her excitement grew in her eyes. "THANK YOU!"

"No problem. So who's coming and when do we leave?"

"We leave sunrise tomorrow. For who's coming that is me, you, Thalia, Grover, Luke, Tyson, and Nico." I nodded and got up.

"So this meeting is over then?" She nodded and left the room. Grover left as well. I was about to leave when Grover's girlfriend, Juniper, walked up to me.

"Please keep an eye on Grover. He won't listen to me." She begged.

"Of course miss juniper. I won't let anything happen to him as long as I see him." I promised her. She looked satisfied at that and thanked me. She walked off and Thalia walked up to me.

"Hey what was that about?" She asked.

"Nothing come on let's go to the tree." She nodded and followed me.

I was on the branch looking at the stars. Seeing all the lines go star to the star-forming different constellation in the night sky.

"Why do you stare at the stars so much?" Thalia asked me.

"I might miss something if I don't. Heh, I don't remember where I got that I just remember it. Who told me that?" I asked myself. I felt something on my shoulder. I looked and saw Thalia looking up at the stars. Nodding off to sleep. I smiled at her. I wrapped my arms around her body.

"What's your sign?" She asked.

"Don't know, but I think it's a lion," I said groggily. After that, we slowly fell asleep talking.

🐺⚡️Thalia's pov⚡️🐺

We are going into the labyrinth and I and Percy had to lead the way to it.

"Why do we have to do this again?" Percy asked.

"Because we are the ones who found it," I told him. He shrugged and walked over to what looked like a delta symbol.

"How did you know it was there?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh, I knew the labyrinth was here the whole time. It's how I get time to go faster. I just forgot where the delta symbol was so I couldn't use it until I found it again. I also forgot that it was under Zeus' fist." He said calmly. What is with him. He knew about it and he told no one!

"Let's go in before we waste any more time," Luke said. Percy pressed the symbol and a door opened. We walked in and Percy's hand let on fire.

"Gah! What is with your hand!" Luke yelled at him.

"Blessed by Hestia Luke ok so calm down." He said and walked forward. We all followed him.


When we got to a clearing we sat and stopped for the night. Nico took out a bunch of cards.

"You want to play Nico?" Percy asked taking similar cards out of both of his front pockets, one of his back pockets, and both jacket pockets.

"You're on Percy!" He said excitedly. Percy laughed and sat down. They played for a while. We all talked until someone in what looked like a hunter fell into our clearing her clothes filled with cuts and blood pouring out of her.

"Daisy!" Percy yelled as he ran to her. "Oh, gods no-no-no. Daisy comes on. Don't fall asleep."

He took off his backpack and threw it onto the floor. The bag became a tent and he picked Daisy up. He ran inside. You could hear him yelling at someone. Leo ran out and grabbed some ambrosia and a bottle of nectar. Leo ran back in the tent. I could hear Percy say something to Leo.

"Leo get Nemean out of here!" He yelled. Sadness filled his voice. Leo walked out with Nemean in his mouth and sat Nemean on the labyrinth floor. Leo looked at me. He walked over and pushed me toward the tent. I nodded and walked to said tent and Leo followed. What I saw broke my heart. Percy was trying all he could to heal Daisy as a beeping noise was going on in the background.

"Come on just a little longer Daisy. Just a little longer." He muttered as he poured nectar onto a mush of ambrosia. This was the same he did to me. He took some and put it on a wound. He continued to do this until the beep was more steady. Her eyes fluttered open.

"P—Percy? Wh—what are yo—you doing h—here?" She choked out. He hugged her.

"I'm on a quest. Now, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I got lost trying to find a way out of here." She said.

"When we find a safe exit I will ask an animal to help you find a way back to the hunters." He promised. She nodded. "Now sleep. That's the doctor's orders!"

She laughed, but laid back downed and fell asleep.

Hey, guys, I'm sorry that this one took so long but it's better than nothing. Anyway, enjoy bye.

Percy Jackson son of Artemis Where stories live. Discover now