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Chapter 7


We played scrabble until dinner time – mum came round knocking, surprised when she saw me playing a board game. I was more into video games, and music, see – I only partook in family board games at Christmas time or on someone's birthday.

After dinner, I went up to my room and started flicking through the notes Calum had reluctantly passed on to me. They were so well written, and nearly every single test he filed, he had gotten an A on. If only I had his file! I was lucky to get a B in Chemistry – most of the time it was a C.

Halfway through my review session, I peeked out of the window and saw Calum's ex dropping their kids off. There was an unspoken tension out there, that I could only just about pick up on. It was probably given away by the brief chat, the unwilling hug and the fake smiles.

I hoped Calum could find someone new. It was clear he struggled from time to time, but with a new partner they could split the care. I wasn't sure whether that partner would be a girl or a boy – I didn't really know that much about him in the first place, but whoever it was they'd make a huge difference.


At school on Monday, I had sport first thing and we were out on the field playing rugby – another one of my least favourite things to do. Namely because Trace was in my class, and being the skinny lean guy I was, I was always the prey of his ambushes.

"Hey, Hemmings. I expect a bit more input from you today," Coach Peterson sneered, nudging me as I left the changing room. "Hurry up boys! It'll be lunch by the time we get out onto the field!"

As we started the first game, Trace sent me this evil smirk, eyes narrowed and eyebrows perked. He mouthed, "Watch out," before coach blew the whistle and he came ramming into me.

I got knocked onto the ground – for reasons still unknown to me. Honestly, I wasn't even in a position where he'd have to even come near me! It was as if he was targeting me or something.

Coach blew his whistle again whilst a circle of jeering players formed around me. "Out of the way – move it! Hemmings, are you okay?"

I groaned, pushing Trace off as I felt a sharp pain rise through my shoulder where it had hit the ground. "My, uh, shoulder..."

He helped me up and grabbed one of the bench guys to take me to the school nurse. There, I sat on a bed whilst the nurse put some ice on my shoulder, saying it was nothing despite the severe pain I was in. I hated this school. Something like this happened every week or two – not only to me, but I was pretty much always the main target.

"You'll need to get some rest. I'll write you a note and call your parents okay?" the nurse reassured, patting my good shoulder. I nodded nonchalantly, really not bothered. I mean, I managed to score a day off school, one good thing I managed to get out of this.

Just before I left, however, Trace came creeping in. It was break after all, and the nurse had gone to make herself a cup of tea in the staffroom.

"What are you doing here?" I scoffed, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Haven't you done enough damage for one day?"

He didn't say anything, instead walking over to my bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd get hurt that badly," he apologised – genuinely, it seemed, for once. I'd never seen him like this, in fact it was rather intriguing.

"Why did you do it in the first place? I didn't even have the ball."

"Because!" he yelled suddenly, making me jump. "That's the only way I can ever get your attention!"

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