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Chapter 12


Fuck me. Calum had just willingly kissed my cheek, and I had no idea what to do! My heart was racing, blood boiling around my body, cheeks reddening – I felt like I'd just won some huge competition, except the only prize was the thought that something more was happening.

Well, maybe that prize was a good thing. I couldn't foretell what was going to happen now. The future was unpredictable, and the only thing I could actually focus on was the fact that I was about to pee myself with excitement.

I cleared my throat, deciding to distract myself by doing some more chemistry practice questions. Expectedly, my mind was elsewhere. I got up and ran on the spot, doing star jumps and just about anything to keep myself moving and not thinking.

Because now, vulgar images were entering my head without warning, sending signals down to little friend who didn't know how to calm the fuck down.

Before I knew it, midnight had come and gone, and I could've gone home considering there hadn't been any noise from upstairs for a while now, but the warmth of Calum's sofa was enough to keep me there forever. Besides, there was no chance I would be able to sleep.


Okay, so I slept. But if I hadn't, I would've fallen asleep during my first period and my Spanish teacher would not have been impressed.

At lunch, Michael, Olive and a few of our other friends decided to have our lunch out on the grass, since it was a relatively warm day with a gentle breeze keeping us on our toes. "Is it just me or does Luke have a weird glow today?" Michael remarked, lifting a finger to my cheek.

I brushed it away, flinching and diving to the left. "Don't be silly," I replied, reaching for another crisp. "I'm just warm."

Olive frowned. "No, I think I see it too..."

"Are you and your neighbour finally getting it on?" Michael teased, nudging my side. My eyes rolled around, landing on Olive who, all of a sudden, looked super sad. She'd ditched her sandwich.

"Michael, just shut up, okay? Olive, you okay?"

She smiled briefly, shrugging. "Yeah, I just got a bit of a chill."

"Here, have my jacket," I said quickly, doing anything to avoid talking to Michael about Calum. I mean, it would've been fine if he hadn't pointed out that I looked different. Now I was self-conscious. What if I'd had a 'glow' in front of Calum? Would he have picked up on that?

Michael suddenly got all attentive towards Olive, making it more obvious that he had a crush on her, taking off his massive hoodie to wrap around her shoulders even though she was fine now. At the bottom of the field, I saw Trace walking with his friends. We made awkward eye contact, at which I simply sighed.

He was a thing of the past. He was still hella attractive, even more so with that slight pained look, but my heart laid with someone else.

"Hey, do you wanna go out for dinner today?" Michael asked Olive. I was focusing on getting the last few crumbs from out of the crisp packet.

"Why don't we go as a three?" Olive suggested tentatively. "We hardly ever get to hang out anymore together."

Michael tutted. "That's because Luke's too busy 'babysitting', in fact he'd probably busy 'babysitting' today," he replied making an extra special to emphasise 'babysitting'. I was meant to be babysitting Blair and Ellis at home today, but since they seemed so salty about it, I decided to just go with it.

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