Meeting Noah Stilinski

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***Stiles's POV***

I crouch down. Waiting for the right moment to strike. The leaves rustle revealing a rabbit. I can feel the veins under my eyes burn and my fangs coming out. I pounced.


It was in the grasp of a predator now. As its blood streamed down my chin, I finally felt refreshed. I haven't had animal blood for four days and I was already feeling the hunger. It was so painful to hear everybody's heartbeats and the blood pumping through their veins. It was so hard to not lose control, but I know I must. I have too. I can't go back to being the same blood crazy ripper I once was 57 years ago. And I haven't had a drop if human blood since 1960.

I slowly release the rabbit's throat from my fangs, wishing there was more blood in it. I drop it to the ground and quickly bury it. I then vamp speed towards my house, well Noah's house.

I met Noah when he was working a case. He was chasing a murderer and got too close to him and got shot in the stomach. I was hunting a rabbit at that time when I heard the gunshot, and I quickly sped off. There was blood everywhere, it was hard for me to control but eventually, I snapped out of it.

***flash back***


The shot echoed everywhere. I stood up and ran as fast as I could go. As I finally got there I found a man bleeding out in a fatal position. I dropped down to him, feeling the blood calling my name. I had to focus. I bit my arm.

"Drink" I demanded

"What?" The human questioned

"Drink or you are gonna die"

He turned away ready to face death instead of drinking blood out of a stranger's arm.

I put my arm against his mouth, he stared at me wide-eyed.

"What ar-"

I compelled him to drink my blood, "Drink".

He did.

As I noticed his wounds rapidly healing I let out a sigh of relief. But then he noticed too.

"What the hell?" He whispered as he saw himself heal. "What are you?" He slowly crawled back, a trace of fear on his face. He pulled out his gun, "tell me!" He shouted.

I sat there not knowing what to do. "I'm a vampire " I faintly whispered.

He instantly crawled back and shot me in the chest. "Stay away ".

I wasn't surprised at his reaction and I don't blame him. As it was instantly healing I put my arms out in surrender, "I'm not gonna hurt you. I did just save you".

He looked at me contemplating what I just said. "How do I know it's not a trick?"

"If it would already be dead."

He shot me again this time in the shoulder. I pulled it out. " Look", I moved closer, "My name is Stiles Mikaelson" I put my hand out.

I could feel the hesitation in the air. "Noah, Noah Stillinski. And what kinda of name is Stiles?" His eyes widened at what he just said.

I chuckled as I could tell what he was thinking, holy hell I just insulted a fucking vampire! "Its ok," I said as I brushed it off. "My real names Mieczysław".

"Well Mieczysław, thank you for saving my life". He said as he shook my hand.

I smiled "Anytime. By the way, could you tell me where the nearest motel is? I don't know this area".

"What do you mean? You came out of the woods seconds after I got shot"

"Well yeah...but vamp speed has its benefits."

His eyes widened even more,"where were you then"

"By the river near Hodstin park".

"Holy shot" The human-no Noah breathed.

"Yeah" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well..." He said " if you want for saving my life. You can stay with me and my wife."

My jaw dropped. Out of a million things that could happen I clearly wasn't expecting this. "Seriously, you want to let an original vampire into Your home?"

" you saved my life and if you wanted me to be dead, I would be dead."

I saw a shudder course through his back and the word dead.

" Thank you but the people near you and your wife might think a seventeen-year-old that never ages would be weird."

" yeah, that is weird".

"Maybe, if you want, I could pose as your son?"

"And how would you do that?" Noah questioned.

I smiled " A cloaking spell".

"You're a witch too?!"

"What! No don't be silly" I laughed " 100% vampire. But I do have witches that owe me, let's say, debts." With a grin on my face.

***Flash back ends***

I posed as Noah and Claudia Stillinski's son after I got the cloaking spell which made me 6 years old. I also became amazing friends with Scott McCall too. I grew very fond of all of them. It was definitely weird being a 6-year-old original vampire. And Noah thought the same thing. Claudia on the other hand never found out, until she was in the hospital.

Authors note : ) Hey guys! So this is like my second fanfic, my first one is like one paragraph so this chapter is probably really bad. But I want to write it ; ) ... even if no one views it. So yeah...if ya wanna colab message me or if you have ideas, only if you want to. Slow updates probably. HUG!

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