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Today was not my day.

First things first, my alarm didn't go off, and I was rushing to get ready in time. I opened the fridge, and what do you know, all the milk was bad so I couldn't have my favorite cereal for breakfast. Then, halfway to school, the skies opened up and rain started coming down without warning, and of course, I didn't think to grab a jacket before leaving my apartment, so I got soaked.

As I walked into school, I reflected on how pretentious the name sounded. Midtown School of Technology and Science. In reality, it was just like any other high school. You had the jocks, the populars, the outcasts. Only difference? We all carried the same label. Nerd.

I stopped at my locker, my cold, wet hands fumbling as I tried to input my combination. Finally, after the third try my locker opened, and I shoved my wet backpack inside as I pulled out the homework and books I would need for the first couple of classes.

"Dammit," I whispered as I realized I hadn't finished my AP Chem homework. Oh well, I guess I'll just pray the teacher doesn't collect it today, but knowing my luck, he probably would. I shut my locker and as I'm putting the lock back on, I hear a voice behind me.

"You look like a drowned rat (Y/N), what happened?" I turn and glare at Ned as he looks me up and down.

"Wow Ned, thanks! Way to make a girl feel special so early in the morning!" My glare doesn't lessen and my words are dripping with sarcasm.

"Sorry, sorry, yeesh. I didn't know fashion was such a sensitive topic for you..." Ned rolled his eyes good-naturedly and throws an arm over my shoulder, despite my wet clothes and hair.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Leeds. Anyways, did you finish the AP Chem homework?" I ask as I shrugged his arm off from around my shoulders.

He snorted. "Nah, I didn't have time, plus I was too excited about the new Lego Death Star I got." His eyes lit up with excitement. "Hey, speaking of, do you want to come over later and help me build it? I'm asking Peter if he wants to too."

I smile sadly. "Sorry Ned, no can do. I've got an AP Psych test I have to study for, plus I'm volunteering at the animal shelter Tuesday nights now, remember?"

"Darn! I swear you never have any free time anymore (Y/N)! When am I supposed to see you?" Ned whined as we neared our first-period class.

"You see me at school Ned."

Ned snorted again. "Psh, that doesn't count. Plus, you hardly ever sit with Pete and me at lunch anymore, cause you're always in the library, "studying"." He gives me a look.

"Come on Ned, you know I have a bunch of homework, and not all of us are mini-geniuses like you and Peter." I glance at him out of the corner of my eye while checking my phone. "Plus with the volunteer work, I don't have as much time to get it done at home anymore."


Both Ned and I sigh as we hear the bell. "And, that's the sound of another day in hell *cough* I mean high school starting," I smirk at Ned as we walk into our first class.

Halfway through the school day, I stopped by my locker to drop off some of my papers and books, when I sensed someone standing next to me. I grinned as I realized who it was.

"Hey Parker, I haven't seen you yet today, where were you?" I smirked as a thought came to me. "I know, I bet you were skipping school weren't you? Naughty naughty..." I winked at Peter's affronted look.

"Hey, I'll have you know I was really tired from the Stark Internship, so Aunt May let me sleep in," Peter said, and stuck his tongue out at me. "What did we do in Chem?"

Peter Parker/Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now