I Thought It Was You

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This story takes place Pre-Civil War

I throw my notebook down in frustration. I don't care how famous the play is; I will never understand Romeo and Juliet, much less be able to write a 3-page argument paper on why it's an "impactful" story.

I glance at the clock and groan as I realize it's already 10 o'clock, and I still have to study for an AP Calc quiz.

As I'm rummaging through my backpack looking for my math notes, I hear a tapping coming from my window. I glance over and am startled to see Peter, dressed as Spiderman, perched on my fire escape.

I quickly hop off my bed and make my way over to my window. I slowly slide the window open, conscious of the fact that my parents are asleep down the hall.

"Peter, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be out patrolling?" I try to look at his face to gauge his emotions, but his goggles hide his eyes.

I start to worry about the lack of response. You can say what you like about Peter, but he's rarely ever quiet. "Pete, come on, talk to me," I say quietly as I step back and usher him into my room.

Peter groans as he slides through my window, and as the light hits him, it takes all of my self-control not to gasp out loud.

His costume is in complete tatters, and I can see blood staining his clothes in multiple places. Judging by the amount of blood on his suit, he is rather severely injured.

"Oh my god Peter, how badly are you hurt? Come here sit down," I instructed him as I quickly grabbed the makeshift med kit I kept in my closet for these type of situations.

I turn back to look at my bed, and I feel my eyes well with tears. Peter has stripped off his sweatshirt and goggles, and his torso is littered with mottled bruises and cuts of varying sizes. He's looking down into his lap at his hands, refusing to look me in the eyes.

I walk over to my bed and gently lift his head with a finger under his chin, and I turn his face from side to side, assessing the damage. He has a cut on his forehead, and his face is covered in dirt and grime, but otherwise untouched.

I let go of his face and quietly make my way to my bathroom to wet a couple of washcloths with warm water to begin cleaning him up. As I make my way back to my bed where Peter is sitting, I gesture for him to move back slightly, so I have room to work. He shuffles backward somewhat on my bed, and I kneel in front of him so that I'm eye-level with his torso.

I run the washcloth over his torso, feeling like a knife was being rammed into my gut everytime he flinched. I pay careful attention to the cuts, knowing that it wouldn't be a good idea if he got an infection from all of the grime.

Finally, his upper body is mostly clean, and I reach into the med kit to grab antiseptic and bandages. Carefully, I bandage all of the cuts and scrapes covering his chest and sides. Seeing him this banged up breaks my heart, and I can feel tears threatening to escape my eyes. 

I silently hand Peter another washcloth so he can clean his face while I put the first aid supplies away and grab some pj's of his that he's left here for him to change into. I hand him the clothes and move to the side to let him walk to my bathroom to change. 

Peter usually is never this quiet after patrolling, and I can't help but wonder why tonight is different. I clean my bed off a little bit so that Peter can lay down for a while before he has to head home so that his Aunt May doesn't realize he's gone. 

My head turns to look towards the bathroom as I hear Peter open the door. He shuffles into my room, careful to not wake my parents, and flicks the light switch so that the only light in my room comes from the moon outside. 

I sit on the side of my bed as Peter walks to the other side and slides under the covers. As I prepared to sit next to him and wait until I had to wake him up to leave, Peter suddenly tugs slightly on my arm.

As Iook down at him, I can see in his eyes that he's pleading with me to lay down with him. I huff softly, half annoyance, half fondness as I crawl under the covers to join him. I roll slightly, so I'm facing him, and I can see that Peter has tears in his eyes.

"Come on Pete, please talk to me, what's going on, you're never this quiet, you're scaring me a bit," I murmured, one of my hands absent-mindedly playing with the hem of his shirt. 

He sighs and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest as he nestles his chin on top of my head. I can hear his heartbeat beneath my cheek, and the beats are a little too fast, but thankfully slowing down. I open my mouth to ask him again when he starts to speak.

"There were these two guys, and they were mugging this girl, so I swung down to stop them, but I caught a look of the girl's face and," he takes a deep, shuddering breath as he tries to continue. "(Y/N), she looked exactly like you, hell, I thought it WAS you, I was so scared, I froze, and the guys got the jump on me and managed to beat me up a bit before I took care of them both." 

I was utterly shocked to hear the absolute pain and torment in his voice. "But Peter, it wasn't me, I'm fine, see?" I look up at him, and in the moonlight, I can see his eyes boring into mine, as though he was trying to convince himself that I was there, I was ok, I wasn't injured. 

"But it COULD have been you (Y/N), and I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt, I can't stand the thought of you in pain, you're my best friend, I..." he stopped abruptly, his voice catching in his throat as I immediately wrapped my arms around his back and hugged him, careful to avoid his injuries. 

As we lay there, I could feel his chest heaving with dry sobs as he struggled to contain his emotions. I rubbed small circles on his back with my hands as I tried to comfort my best friend. 

While I quietly murmured reassurances that I was fine, that everything was ok, Peter gradually calmed down and just held me tighter. As his body started to relax, and he started to drift off to sleep, I felt him lean down and kiss the top of my head. 

I sighed softly, and as I drifted off, I found myself wishing that I could protect my best friend from all the horrible things in this world.

Hello readers! I felt feel a little crappy that I haven't updated in a while, so I'm giving you guys two updates in one day! I hope you guys like this one, and if you have any requests, let me know in the comments! Thanks! 

I own nothing, and I take no credit for any of the characters except for ones completely made up by me. I make no profit off of this story; it is purely for entertainment purposes. 

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