Something More Than Friends

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I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world. 

I finally achieved my dream. I graduated a year early from college and got a Bachelor's Degree in Photo Journalism/Creative Writing, which has been my dream since I was a little girl. My best friend Tom just nailed the role of Spiderman in Marvel's new movie, Civil War, which Tom is, of course, ecstatic about. He has adored Spiderman since he was young. 

The only bad part is that he leaves soon for filming, and I have to stay here, in London with my new job. Suddenly, I am startled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing with the sound of the Spiderman theme song, leaving no doubt as to who was calling me. 

"Hello?" I answer, with a small smirk on my face as I flop back down on my bed, bouncing slightly. 

Tom's voice floats over the speaker, and I can tell that he's grinning. "Hello love, what are you doing right now?"

"Well, who wants to know?" I inquired, smirking even bigger as I hear Tom sigh over the phone.

"Seriously (Y/N), why do you always answer like that?" I snicker, not at all abashed. "I know you have my ringtone specifically set, so you know it's me calling."

The fond annoyance in his tone just makes me laugh harder, rolling around slightly on my bed to get more comfortable. I open my mouth to answer him when my doorbell rings.

"Hold on Tommy, some idiot's at my door." I drop my phone on my bed as I get up to go downstairs, but as I leave my bedroom, I hear Tom's voice over the speaker, protesting.

"Don't call me Tommy!"

I stomp down the stairs, slightly annoyed that someone was at the door when I had just started talking with my best friend. Seriously, didn't they know I had more important things to do? I slide over my tiled floor till I come to a stop at the front door. Without looking through the peephole, I fling open the door, ready to tell whoever it was to bugger off when a voice cuts me off.

"Hey there." I stand there, with my mouth hanging open as Tom stands in front of me, holding his phone to his ear. "I'm assuming I can hang up now?"

"TOM!!!!" I shriek as I fling myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck, my feet leaving the floor as he picks me up and spins me around. "I thought you were busy until this weekend!"

Tom grinned down at me, not yet unwrapping his arms from around my waist. "Well, the thing is, I kind of, maybe, liedsoIcouldsupriseyou?" He blurts out in a rush, looking sheepish, yet proud that he had managed to pull the wool over my eyes.

I smack his shoulder with one hand but grin up at him. "Well don't do that, you dummy, I was sad that I wouldn't get to see you for another four days!" I said in an annoyed tone, but anyone could hear the humor in my tone.

"Well Miss (Y/N), I am so terribly sorry to have caused you such grief, and I shall endeavor not to do so again," Tom spoke with a terrible posh accent, making me cringe at how bad it was.

"Okay, okay, fine, come on in you big idiot." I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside, determined to spend as much time with him as possible before he left for filming.

Tom glanced at me, shaking his head. "You know, that's the second time you've called me an idiot today, I'm not quite sure what I did to deserve it." 

We walked up the stairs, towards my bedroom as I throw a response over my shoulder, "Well, you deserve it, first for annoying me on the phone and then, for not telling me you could hang out sooner!"

He just laughed, and we both walked into my room, and sat on my queen-sized bed, facing each other. It was Tom who spoke first, breaking the brief silence.

Peter Parker/Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now