Chapter 8: I See You (OLD)

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P.S: Strong language is used in this chapter.

Monday, November 18th, 2080

For two whole months, it was nothing but me and Amélie spending our time with each other. It's almost like we never want to leave each other. We've done many activities together already.

Even on Halloween, we spent it with Overwatch. We did the funniest prank on Winston where we all showed up dressed as bananas and peanut butter jars!... Except Amélie, Ana and Soldier. After that prank was over, we switched back to our regular costumes. It was great.

Our relationship grows stronger and stronger every single second we spend with each other. It sounds corny, but I guess you can say we have a bond that can never be broken?

Despite that, we decided to get serious today as we had an 'important briefing about an important mission against Talon', which is what Winston said to us yesterday during inspection. We'll see how that goes...

Base: Gibraltar at 11:15 AM.

Me and Amélie slowly walked together around base with my right arm wrapped around her shoulders and her left arm wrapped around my waistline.

We peacefully strolled throughout the base, headed for the briefing room. Well, it was peaceful. Until Tracer decided to butt in between us.

"Hiya! Where are you two lovebirds headed?"

Amélie groaned silently, obviously annoyed by her.

I smiled. "Hey. We're headed to the briefing room. Winston's gonna give us i-"

"Information about this 'important mission' against Talon? Yeah yeah, I'm headed there too, love! Looks like we've got the same mission! Ha!"

I chuckled at this. How can you not resist her cheerful attitude?

We all continued to walk together. Funnily, I glanced over at Amélie to see her sort of staring Tracer down. Like she was angry at her. Tracer took notice of this and smirked at Amélie.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

Amélie exhaled. "An annoyance."

I covered my mouth and giggled at this. We finally arrived at the briefing room. As I opened the door, Lena blinked into the room, already sat in her chair next to Genji, whistling a nursery tune. Bring a gentleman, I let Amélie enter first, then I entered and closed the door.

Amélie took a seat in the corner of the table. She crossed her arms and put one leg over her other and closed her eyes. I walked over and sat next to her.

I immediately took notice that Winston wasn't there. Strange, because he's always early.

"Uhh, where's Winston?"

Genji took out one of his shurikens and played with it around his fingers.

"I don't know. It seems he is running late, so I believe we must wait for him."

No crap.

We all waited patiently for Winston to arrive.

We continued to wait.

We kept on waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

Cherchez La Femme (Overwatch Widowmaker x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now