Chapter 1

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Krystabelle got up very early that morning. It was windy and chilly outside, with some slight rain. However, it was enough to wake her up.

Tok, tok, tok.

Rain was falling stronger and stronger against the room window.

Tok, tok, tok.

Her mind was occupied with depresive thoughts although her room walls were covered in flowers, and there were two big windows looking at the fields. Now you could see the first rays of sun, so beautiful yet so fragile. It was dawn.

Krystabelle was 16, she acted like emo but didn't look like one. She was a good pupil, very good one.

She loved photography and music.

But she learned to fake everything, to fool everyone. I mean, she liked everything I said, but she was living and dead. Her mind was tumbled up, her life was destroyed. Or she thought so.

She really liked reading. Oh yes, you wouldn't tell, wouldn't you? Yes, she was a hardcore reader, a bookworm. There was even a wall in her room completely covered with a bookself with tons of books on it. Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Historian, Secret Diaries of Adrian Mole, The Fault in Our Stars...

She loved that feeling when she was reading the book, the world seems to disappear and she lived in imagination.

But she still felt dull sometimes, like she could just lie on her bed and watch the ceiling forever.

She forced herself up and went to bathroom. She looked into the mirror while was taking her sweater off. She saw herself, of course, but not as a pretty brown haired girl that she was; no, she saw herself as fat and ugly doll. Just a doll nobody cares about. She made a grimace and took a razor. Oh, how may times she had done it before... She stretched her left hand up to reveal so many dots, lines and letters.

There is no more space here, she thought and took her leggings off. She inhaled deeply, sat on the floor and brought the razor to her skin. She just stared at it for a second and then pressed it roughly into her fragile pale skin. Blood rushed out of her leg, staining her legs and perfectly clear and shiny floor. Red blood was contrasting her pale skin, looking even more paler the more blood spilled out.

She sighed and did it again, and again, and again...

Fifteen minutes later, she was finally over. Freedom rushed trough her veins and confusing her brain. She carefully bandaged her leg and took some baggy sportswear on. With one last glance to the mirror, she exited the bathroom and headed to the balcony. She took her phone and earphones and helped herself to the floor.

She sat there, legs crossed, enjoying the view and listening to Pompeii. She knew she'll probably feel guilty later, but now nothing mattered at all.

So, the first one's up! What do you think? I need some constructive critics, so feel free to comment. <3

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