It didn't work. Costume. Didn't hide. Couldn't hide.
No more games. No more mind.
Because there is no spark. Ain't we a sodden engine? I tried to find it, of corse. The spark. The missing.... the piece that fit. That thing that would make me fit. Because you didn't want... God, I can't.. not with you looking.
I dreamed of killing you. I think they were dreams. So weak. Did you make me weak, thinking of you, holding my self, and spilling useless buckets of salt over your.. ending.
Angel- he should have warned me. He makes the good show for forgeting, but it's here, in me, all the time. The spark.
I wanted to give you what you deserve, and I got it. They put the spark in me, and now all it does is burn.
It's what you wanted right?
And-and now everybody's in here, talking. Everything I did... everyone I- and him.. and it... the other, the thing beneath- beneath you. It's here too. Everybody. They all just tell me go... go... to hell. Buffy shame on you. Why does a man do what he mustn't? For her. To be hers. To be the kind of man who would nev- to be a kind of man.
She shall look on him with forgiveness, and everybody will forgive and love. He will be loved. So everything's ok, right? Can we rest now? Buffy.... can we rest?