Chapter 7

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I woke up drooling on my wrist, i slowly sat up, "Shit... i must've fallen asleep on the couch again..." i rubbed my head and stretched yawning while doing so, i looked around and slowly pushed myself off of the couch, i walked over into the kitchen and washed my wrist off and splashed my face with water, washing it off, i looked over at the kitchen and saw there were no dishes, at least my dad was a clean person... my stomach growled so i walked over to the fridge and opened it looking for something to eat

"What is there?" i groaned moving around things that didn't interest me... no way we always eat chicken i'll leave that for him.. i sighed i guess i'll have to go to the store and buy myself some breakfast... i went out with my backpack on my shoulders and i held onto the straps while walking, and just a few steps as i got down the road i saw corey riding his bike my way, i smiled and waved at him and he waved back, he drove up in front of me stopping me, "Heyyyy (Y/n)! whats up?" i shrugged, "Well.. i'm starving and i'm going to go get myself some breakfast.."

He smirked, "Can i come? i.. need to get a few things anyways.." i rolled my eyes and smiled, "Sure thing." i followed corey as he rode his bike to his house, he threw his bike in the fresh grass and ran inside, not too long after he came out holding his backpack he walked over besides me and we walked to the store together, so as we were on our way corey decided to chat with me, so it wasn't silent, i knew how much the silence always bothered me so i was actually glad corey wanted to talk.. not most guys do... 

"So.. (Y/n)... whatcha trying to get?" i shrugged "Whatever amazes me..?" he smirked and nodded, "So what do you need to get?" i asked him since he did mention a bit ago he needed to get a few things.. "Well... i need to get..." i stared at him raising an eyebrow confused why he kept pausing "Look corey... i understand if you don't actually need anything... it's cool..." he smirked "No.. no i do need something." i smirked and nodded, "Uh huh.." he nodded, "Yep i need a drink, like cola."

I shrugged and nodded, "Go and get it." he went off to the beverages and i left to the freezers, i grabbed heat up waffles and i went into another isle and grabbed maple syrup, "I guess this'll have to do..." i turned around and froze when a red balloon was right in front of me, i sighed deeply and groaned, "Really?!" i rubbed my face in frustration and walked passed it, i headed to the register and watched that creepy old guy scan my items and bag them, i paid and he handed me my bags and didn't dare to say a word, i went out to see corey sipping his drink waiting for me

Which was no surprise and i walked passed him and gestured for him to follow me, me and corey walked home but there was no conversation involved this time i guess we just wanted to keep things quiet for now..  as we almost got home, corey waved and walked to his house i waved back and i continued my way back to mine, as i got there i breathe in deeply and sighed, thinking the same thing would happen... as usual, as i got in my dad was sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching TV which was an actual surprise... finally one day where he is home!

I walked into the kitchen and opened the box and placed out my waffles onto a plate and heated them up, i drenched my waffles in syrup... however not much people liked that.. but luckily i did which was good?? i shrugged and got a fork i carried my plate to the dining table and sat down, i ate my breakfast sorta rushing, after all i wanted to try and go into the woods myself and try to stay out past 7.. which was really stupid, but that's me and i'll do as i please... 

After i finished i rushed back to the door, my father stopped me... "(Y/n)..? you were just out? where are you going?" he asked me, i could tell he was worried for some reason, and i just shrugged it off, "Dad... i'm old enough to take care of myself, and i'm just gonna go hang with a couple of my friends okay?" he nodded and frowned, "Sorry.. you do that, stay safe." i smiled, "Thanks i will." i walked out and first walked out onto the sidewalk i walked passed the store, and passed an alley which someone pulled me into, i gasped and someone slammed me against the wall

"P-Patty?" that was all that came out when i saw her face, she scoffed, "No shit Sherlock, oh and remember when i told you, that you were going to regret something? well surprise, surprise..." she pulled out a pocket knife and flicked it out, i gulped and nodded, "Please i'll give you anything.. money? whatever it is.. just name it.." she smirked "I want you to suffer.." what the fuck? was she some type of sadistic sicko? like seriously... whatever it was i wasn't gonna let her cut me that easy.. at least not without a fight

I pushed her back causing her to slam back onto the ground, i darted out and slammed into a guy who was awful tall reminding me of pennywise, "Ugh.. sorry." i said backing away, he just stared... and didn't break eye contact which pissed me off, but also made him look like a creep, i looked away.. okay.. this was nerve-wracking, i turned around and he spoke, "Wait!" he called out, i looked behind me with an eyebrow raised, "Yes?" he bent over and back up handing me something, "Sir... i didn't drop anything!" he nodded, "But no.. you did!"

I slowly reached my hand out showing the palm of my hand, i felt nervous of what he was going to give me, i stared at him and he slowly grinned, someone yelled my name from behind me causing me to jump, i turned around quickly and saw chloe waving, "HEY! WHATS UP!?!?!" i squealed and ran over hugging her, "Chloe! i missed you.. for some reason." she chuckled hugging me back, "Same here! also what were you and that old guy talking about?" i looked behind me, "What... where is he? i don't really know... i just dropped something?? well that is what he said...

She nodded, "I swear... i would've seen him move? literally!" i sighed deeply, "Lets just forget about it... it's probably nothing.. just some creepy old man probably trying to play a magic trick? i don't fucking know..." chloe smirked and nodded, "Well then you're probably right... where you headed off to anyways (Y/n)?" i shrugged, "I was... gonna try to do something.... that's all...." "Like what!?" chloe asked

I shrugged, "Something... really, really, really.... fucking stupid." chloe stared at me, "And what is that?" she asked again, i shrugged,"It's... it's nothing, you don't need to worry about it..." chloe sighed and nodded, "Okay... then... well cya (Y/n)... good luck with whatever it is..." i smiled and nodded, "thanks...

I turned and sighed deeply, was it fair for me to just blow chloe off like that? i know i wouldn't want that... i nodded she's probably fine about it... shes just curious, i'll let her know what i did tomorrow... 


I was out in the woods sitting on the train tracks i was sketching my surrounding, "Jeez.. i don't know if i'll be able to stay up much longer..." i yawned and continued to sketch, "It's pretty late..." i stood up and tossed my pen and book into my backpack, i threw my backpack over my shoulder and i looked around, i sighed deeply and headed home, "I'll... probably do this another time?" it was pitch black outside, i'm sure... i made it at least a bit passed 7, i shrugged and yawned 

as i was headed down the sidewalk i looked over at my house to see all the lights were on, i gulped, oh shit.. i hope my dad isn't up... i sighed deeply and walked up to the door and slowly pushed it open, i saw my dad sitting on the couch, i held my breath and tip toed into the house and quietly closed the door locking it, i peeked over to see he was asleep, i sighed in relief and crept upstairs into my room, i opened the door and closed it quietly and sighed, "Thank god..." i turned around and stretched, "I'm gonna need someone to help me tomorrow.... maybe, just maybe they would want to do what i have been planning on doing...."

This... took me forever to finish.... i know, i know, and i'm terribly sorry! really... i hate how i'm always busy doing something, and everything distracts me, i thought, - Oh damn... i need to start writing this.. - but at the same time i needed to finish this art request, and which finally got done! and i'll try to be up and writing more often... it's just ideas are hard of what is to happen, my sister has also been begging me to watch the walking dead with her... of course i didn't say no, anyways i do love watching it as well... (And i apologize again for publishing this so late... don't worry something will happen in the next chapter...) **Coughs** 

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