Chapter 8

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Hi, And no i do not own this art, all of the credit goes to the artist who did this amazing wonderful art piece... i just wish i could draw as good as this.  

This is the last chapter.... Ahhh i'm sorrryyy 💕 i hope ya'll love it!

I'll try and make it long as possible. 

"Crap.." i jumped up and felt my forehead, "REALLY? THIS CEILING IS A PIECE OF SHIT!" i pouted, "I sleep here for crying out loud!" i stomped my foot down and grabbed my bed and tried to pull it, i kept pulling but it wasn't moving, *Thump!* i fell back slamming down, i sighed deeply and rubbed my eyes, i wailed and got up i placed my hands onto my hips and sighed, "Why can't i move this??" i dropped onto my knees and looked beneath the bed, It's clean beneath... that's shocking, i can't remember cleaning this... probably my dad done it while i was gone.... i looked at the legs and saw it wasn't nailed to the floor, but... why would someone do that?

I stood up and walked out of my room and looked down stairs, i crept down and i went into the kitchen and jumped when i saw my dad sitting at the dining table, it looked like he was waiting for me.... i sighed and held my eyes shut and opened them i walked to the fridge and i almost opened it as he spoke, "(Y/n).. come sit down.." i flinched as he said my name, "Uhh... s-sure.." i turned and walked over and sat across from him awkwardly smiling, i started to sweat... feeling uneasy 

"(Y/n)..." i gulped, "Y-Yes?" he looked down then back up at me making me smile,  "Your mum called... and she wanted to talk to you over the telephone..." i sighed in relief, "Oh! great, uh could you call her for me?" he nodded, "Yes i can." i stood up, "Wait... not so fast young lady.. i need to ask you one more thing." i looked at him quickly my face was burning, "W-What... is it?" he smiled and nodded, "Could you possibly make breakfast?" my eyebrows raised, "Is that all...?" he chuckled and nodded, "Why do you seem so worried?" i shrugged and looked around awkwardly, "Uhh i dunno..." 

He stood up and gestured me to follow him to the phone, so i followed him and he dialed her number, she picked up and my dad handed me the telephone, "M-Mum?" "(Y/N)! Oh sweety how are you??" i smiled and nodded, "I'm... i'm doing good.. how about you?" i heard her sigh and laugh, "Fine.. very fine.." "So.. mum? where are you staying...?" "Oh.. honey don't worry, i'm here with your auntie.." i sighed ,"Good... i'm glad to hear... so did you get a job yet?" my mum was about to speak until the door was knocked on, "One second.." i spoke, interrupting her, i sat the telephone down, but i didn't hang up, i walked over and opened the door

"Ayeee (Y/n) what's up!?" corey said laughing, i smirked ,"Corey i'm trying to talk to my mom... this is the first time, since she left..." "Oh.. i'm sorry." he nodded, i shrugged, "It's fine! come on in?" he nodded, "Sure.. thanks." he came in and i gestured him to the couch, he walked over and sat there, i went back over and picked the telephone back up and i placed it against my ear, "Mom?" .... "Mom??" i looked at corey and he shrugged, "(Y/n)? i'm sorry honey i was getting something..." i sighed in relief "Oh phew.. well, sorry about leaving my friend was at the door knocking..." 

My mom laughed, "Oh.. is it a girl or a boy?" i scoffed, "Mom... really? ugh it's a boy..." she chuckled, "Do you like this boy?" i sighed deeply.. "Maybe..." "Well (Y/n) i hope he falls for you too, and then you're able to get hi-" the phone wire was snipped and the line was cut off, "WHAT THE FUCK?" scissors fell to the ground, and i groaned "What was that for!?" i shouted, my dad looked at me from the dining table and corey looked at me confused, "What (Y/n)? calm down.." corey chuckled, my dad shrugged, "Honey i did nothing.." 

I started balling my fists and i huffed, i said in a soft quiet voice, "Right... i'll calm down?" i walked into the kitchen and pulled out  the eggs from the fridge i cooked three and gave my dad, corey, and myself one, "Thank you dear.." i'm glad my dad thanked me that is sorta rare, i nodded smiling, "You're welcome.." corey was shuffling the egg into his mouth swallowing without chewing, he looked at me and my mouth was dropped, he smiled with a full mouth and gave me a thumbs up, i awkwardly nodded slowly

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