Chapter 1

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"Good work out today, Ivar. You'll be ready for preseason in no time." Cole said as we left the gym.  

"I hope so, I want to make the first IV this year, Coach says tha..." 

"Oh, Layla." Cole's whole demeanour changed. 

"Hi, Cole." Layla slightly blushed, "Ivar." 

Layla was our mother's nurse, she was hired to care for her during the day and when we called for her. She was a year above Cole in high school, Cole had had a crush on her since primary school and obviously currently still did. Layla graduated from nursing school a year ago, mum's old boss had given her this job. Dad had hired her two months ago to help out since Cole was leaving for University soon.  She knew that mum would love Layla and boy was Cole happy the day she walked through our door. 

"Hi, Layla. How are you?" I asked. 

I noticed Layla was slowly dragging her eyes from Cole's shirtless body to me, she cleared her throat and replied, "Great thanks, I'm just heading to see Eva now." 

Layla scurried off and Cole's head turned to follow as she walked by. I've always liked Layla, she's never treated Cole different despite his prosthetic legs.

"Whipped!" I said as I snapped my towel at Cole. 

"Quit it, Ivar."

"'Layla I've loved you since we were seven, you're amazing with my mother, would you please marry me,'" I teased, trying to imitate his voice. 

He slapped me upside the head, "Shut up, Ivar. I leave for university soon." 

"Don't think she'd mind with the way she was staring at your body, bro."

"What would you know twerp? You had a girlfriend before?" 

"Don't need one to know she's into you." I shrugged. 

"Go have a shower, your B.O. is killing me." Cole shook his head laughing.

" Cole shook his head laughing

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A scream rouses me from my sleep, gridiron gang was still playing on my laptop. I must have fallen asleep at one point. I close the movie down and check the time in the bottom right corner of the screen. 

6.58 p.m. 

"YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" I recognised my mother's voice.

I quickly got to my feet and followed my mother's screaming, which led me down the staircase to the kitchen. This wasn't anything new for us, mum was diagnosed with Monophobia as well as depression. Monophobia is the fear of being alone but in mum's case, it's more like being abandoned. Her depression overrides her Monophobia most days, she mostly wants to be alone but as soon as she hears of someone she loves leaving, it's a whole nother story. 

Pushing through the large mahogany doors, I was shocked at the scene in front of me. Mum was screaming her head off with broken glass thrown on the ground. On the other side of the kitchen was Cole trying to console her, with to my surprise was Layla standing behind him looking a little shook up. Layla had finished her shift two hours ago, and she had never stayed behind before.

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