Chapter 3

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"MOTHERFUCKER!" I hissed as I woke up, eyes still closed. 

My back was tight and sore, and my bed felt as hard as concrete, the pillow clearly had fallen off the bed as well. 

"Ay, watch ya filthy mouth!" a high pitched voice shouted. 

It startled me upright and my eyes flew open with fright from the foreign voice. Before my eyes was a young mother dressed in a dark green tunic dress with a white apron over the top. She was staring daggers at me as she walked covering her little boy's ears. A dirt road was between us and tree's surrounded us. The little boy's eyes were wide with curiosity and an innocently smile crossed his face as he followed his mother's lead down the dirt road, ears still covered as his mother muttered of teenagers with no manners anymore. 

Once they were further down the track I finally checked my surroundings more thoroughly. Everything looked foreign, I definitely haven't been here in my life. How the hell did I get here? Even the ladies accent was weird, not to mention her clothes. 

I slowly got up and stretched my aching back as I took in my surroundings. 

I was completely and utterly lost!

The dirt road went on for miles and I still couldn't see anything at the end of it. I decided I'd follow the lady since she must know where she is going. 

This was going to be a long day, and if mum decides to come out of her room today she's going to have a meltdown. 

I should call uncle Joseph. 

I patted my pants pockets but there was nothing, I searched all around me but still, there was no phone. 

"Just freaking great!" I shouted. 

I never forgot my phone, even when I got drunk and high I always had my phone with me the next morning. The fact that I always made it home and have never fallen asleep on the roadside is another factor I don't understand. Last night I didn't even drink a sip of alcohol, after watching the fireworks I went to bed. Is this some sick kind of prank? 

It won't be much of a prank when my mother flips out and there's no one there to look out for her. Layla has the day off, I'm so dead. I better get home now.

I started running down the road the lady went with her child, surely they couldn't have gotten far. 

"Excuse me," I shouted as I ran. 

But she was gone, and so was her son. 

"FOR GOODNESS SAKES!" I promised to cut down on the swearing for lilypad, but boy is that proving hard right now. 

After what felt like three hours of walking I finally came across someone, or more like he found me

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After what felt like three hours of walking I finally came across someone, or more like he found me. 

"Where are you heading lad?"  A male voice disrupted my internal meltdown. 

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