Zane x Werewolf! Reader

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(Artwork not mine!)

Requested by Dìą చօօժʂ on  quotev! Sorry this took so long!

Warnings: Sorry if it sucks! I never wrote an X Werewolf! reader and to add to that I haven't written a Zane x reader in a long time.

Gender: Male



"Jay, Could you go to the store and get me the stuff I need for dinner tonight?" Zane asked Jay, who was on the couch with Cole. "Hmm? Oh yeah sure." Jay replied getting off the couch and going to his room to get his blue jacket and scarf. Once Jay walks out of his room. Zane gives him the ingredients he'll need for tonight. "I'll be back!" Jay yelled through the house as he left the warmth of his home and into the coldness outside.

Le time skip

Jay got all the stuff Zane needed for dinner tonight. As he was walking he saw a sickly looking dog who was laying in a box. The dog had (Fur color) dirty fur, has beautiful (Eye color) eyes and had a wound on its side which looks like another big dog attack them that looks infected. "Hey, there little guy," Jay whispered to the dog, trying not to scare them too much.

The dog's head went up when Jay started talking. "You're going to be ok," Jay said as he started to pet the dog. Trying to comfort them. Jay known he wasn't going to leave them alone. He drops his groceries onto the snowy street and tries to pick up the dog.
"Come on big guy" Jay joked as he ran home with a dog on his shoulders.

Another time skip 

"I'm back guys!" Jay yelled. "Did you get the- ... Why is their a wolf on your shoulders?" Zane questioned as Jay put the (Fur color) beast down on the couch. "I found them on the street. I couldn't live them suffering in the cold." Jay answers. "Their wound is infected." Zane blurted out. "I'll get the antibiotic" Zane ended as he walked out of the room.

An hour later

"Still can't believe you left our food on the street to help a dog." Cole badgered. "What did you want me to do? Leave Jay.jr and walk like I didn't see anything!" Jay spat as Cole. "First: I believe that you could carry the dog and our food and second: Jay jr? We're not naming her that." Cole hissed. "I'm the one who saves them! I'm should be the one who should name them!" Jay complained. "I should name them. I'm the one who healed the wound." the guy known as Zane claimed. You do have to admit you did like him. The black one whose name was Cole was alright, even though he just called you a girl, You still owe the blue one, Jay, for saving your a$$.
Soon another one came into the room. "I'm trying to sleep!" yelled one who walked into the room wearing red pajamas. "Guys! Guys! We don't even know what their gender is!" Jay yelled. "You brought a dog into our house!" Kai yelled. "Yes now shut the f*ck up!" Cole spat.
"I'll check what their gender is." Zane declared getting closer to you, and closer, and closer. Come on (Y/N)! You can do this. He's about to pull the blanket off of you. Nope, you couldn't do it. You changed into a human faster than Philip's death (Sorry Hamilton fans). "Hmm hi."

An hour later

"So wait? Another Alpha male followed you?" Cole asks you. You nod your head. You were in some of the Ninja old clothes. "My pack was killed and my mate was bitten really badly in the leg. They died later that day." You continued your story. "Soon after that, I just change into a human. I still don't know why. A week passed I was walking around in my old home and soon that same wolf attack me, And well I think we all know what happened." You finished your story. Taking another sip from your cup. It was (Favorite hot drink). You never had it before but you loved it.
"Sorry for your lost." Zane comforted. "Thanks." You blushed a little. You felt safe around Zane. You didn't know why but you just did. You like a lot of things about him like his white hair, and his icy blue eyes, you just like everything about him!

Time skip because of my laziness. :p

It's been two months since you meet the ninjas. They let you live with them until you figure out to survive as a human. You have been hanging around with Zane for the past weeks. You trust him and you may or may not have the world's biggest crush on him. Anyways right now you and Zane are watching a movie called "(Favorite Movie)". During the movie, you put your head on Zane's shoulder. Surprisingly he wrapped his arm around you, bring you closer to him.
"Hey, Zane?" You asked nervously. "Yes? What is it (Y/N)?" He replied. "I like, no, cross that off, I love you and I was wondering if you could be my Mate?" You hesitated.

Zane blushes a little before answering "I'll love too." He smiled at you. Making you ten times happier than before.

Hope you enjoy! Also yet again sorry if it sucks! I haven't written A Zane x reader in a long time!

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