Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Hetalia. It belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I only own this and every other story I have.


It was the sudden scream that rang out from the blithe's direction that shattered the good mood.



That scream chilled the two nations to the very bone. That bloodcurdling, horrified scream. That chilling bloodcurdling horrified scream that came from their beloved. Their precious, precious beloved. Not even the most violent of wars had stricken as much terror into their hearts as that single scream had done. The fact that Italy was nowhere in sight only compounded their rapidly increasing trepidation, their feet unable to take them as fast as they wanted to their beloved brunet. Just what had happened?! Things were so good only seconds before!



Both called out to their fellow country, shouting as loudly as they could as they cupped their hands to their mouths, frantically searching the area for the head of familiar auburn hair with a long curl on the left side. A second scream tore through the air, far louder and far more frightening than the first, the countries' hearts nearly stopping at the absolute terror that haunted the normally bright and cheerful voice.

The raven's heart skipped several beats. "Italia-kun?! Please tell us where you are!"

"Where are you Italien?!" The blond bellowed, trembling uncontrollably as possible scenarios flashed through his mind. None of them ended well.

A miserable whimper could be heard as if in response. However, before a reply could actually be formed, what sounded like someone being muffled reached the pair's ears, that action only spurring them on.

Only the worst clouded the German's mind. "Don't tell me he's being r—"

"Don't say such unimaginably horrible things Doitsu-san!" The Japanese immediately cut him off, panic rising in his voice. "Don't ever say such horrible things!"

"GERMANIA! GIAPPONE! AIUTAMI!" Fears renewed. Instantly. "SALVAMI—"

A loud thud echoed in the air, that sickening sound followed by a shrill cry. "Don't you know how to shut up you repulsive queer?!" And then they saw it; within a dark, secluded alley, a hulking, burly man stood over the quivering Italian, carelessly yanking him up by his tie before placing him in a chokehold, restricting all air flow as he was ruthlessly, maliciously mangled.



The two nations rushed towards the assaulter in the quickest of flashes, ready to beat the ever-loving life out of him—"Stop right there or else he gets it!"—only for the attacker to take the victim's tie and turn it into a noose as the assailant wrapped it around his neck, gagging noises filling the tense atmosphere as the fabric constricted him even further. The sadist smirked malevolently. "If you come any closer..." No more words had to be said. The arrivals halted immediately, glaring the worst of deaths at the fiend who simply laughed at their rage.

"Why are you doing this?" Japan hissed, itching to murder the monster. No one hurts his Italy and gets away with it.

Germany was no better, barely holding himself back from utterly ruining the man. Who cares if he towered above even the blond nation? Those who think it's even a remotely good idea to target his Italy would pay the price. Steeply. "What did he do to deserve this?" He gritted his teeth. "Nothing, that's what."

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