Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Hetalia. It belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I only own this and every other story I have.


All opposition must be cast away...


"Ve~! I just can't wait for the fireworks to start!"

By the time the trio had returned to Florence, the sun had sunk below the horizon, the day at last changing into night. Innumerable stars dotted the ebon sky, free of clouds or any form of cover. The twinkling, heavenly dots only added to the serene atmosphere of the ethereal city. Just how beautiful the municipal would be once the sparks are launched into the air...

The blond smiled. "You're really excited Italien."

"Of course I am Germania!" Italy beamed. "The weather is perfect and the sky is clear! These conditions are perfect for the fireworks festival!"

Japan chuckled. "I heard Italian fireworks displays are especially beautiful." He laughed at the excited nod he received. "I can't wait to see them for myself, above such a beautiful land..." Seriously, that comment made the brunet blush! It seemed as if the earlier attack had not occurred...

"Grazie Giappone!" Italy could not help but feel flattered.

Oh Germany wanted to join in on that. "I can't wait either." The blond added, the flush on the auburn's face only intensifying.

"Oh smettere di ragazzi! You're embarrassing me!" The redness of the brunet's cheeks attested to that.

Nope. "Why should I stop saying what's true, Italia-kun?" The raven smirked.

"There's no reason to, so I say we should continue." The German wore the same expression as the Asian, only serving to fluster the blithe more. Seriously, is this revenge for all the times the brunet flustered them?! Intentional or not, it sure seemed like it. Not that Italy actually minded in the end though; all three shared a good laugh, not able to hold it in anymore.

All was good in the world. All was at peace. Nothing could go wrong, right? Right?! "Boo!"

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" What popped out of the blue terrified the living daylights out of the poor boy; a deathly pale bloated visage sporting blood-shot eyes lacking pupils above the most rotten daggers of teeth, veins and welts all over the skin pounced from the shadows, the being possessing that face leaping at the Italian, arms out as it made the most grotesque of groans. The panic-stricken jumped ten feet into the air, automatically throwing himself into the bulky arms that have always kept him safe. "GERMANIA! SONO SPAVENTATO!"

The ghoul suddenly let out a bark of laughter, the face detaching to show one of a regular teenage male. "Oh my god! That was priceless!" He wiped away the tears that formed in his eyes, clutching onto his sides as he was overtaken by bouts and bouts of unrestrained laughter.

"I-It's just a mask?!" The brunet whimpered, peeking his head from the German's chest.

The adolescent scoffed. "What are you, stupid? Of course it is!"

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