Chapter Three

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Author's Note: I am so sorry I have been away for so long! Life and it's habits of keeping me very busy took me away from my desired work, though I am pleased to inform all of you that I am back and will be posting on this platform regularly! Enjoy this long awaited chapter! (And keep in mind that this is my FIRST DRAFT, it may have plot holes and errors, so please let me know of these and changes will be made!) Thank you, XOXO.


I took a step forward towards the metallic door and flipped up the keypad. I knew what the code was, I had found a slip of paper - of which I've ever only seen used for important documents and files in the office - lying at the bottom of my mother's jewelry box. The paper had an eight digit code and if it didn't go to this door, I don't know what would've happened next. I wasn't even entirely sure what would happen when we got to the WCGO, none of this was planned.

Before I could realize it I had typed in the numbers and the whole thing blinked green three times while making a loud beeping sound in the stillness of the small hallway. Two big locks sounded as they released from the frame and let the door slide open in a soft humming monotone manner. My arms hung loosely at my sides and my mouth slightly ajar as I stood, still outside the door, looking at what lied before me. The room was dark but the glowing holograms that seemed to be coming from nowhere in particular bounced up and down slightly. They consisted of multiple hand written notes and pictures of creatures beyond anything i've ever seen. Though this couldn't be possible, to be fair each one had been layered with a big red X over them with the WGCO property stamp I have seen on multiple case files my boss has dealt with. I couldn't quite make out if these pictures were in fact photographed, or hand drawn. I stepped inside the door wearily, afraid of what would happen if I were to enter. Though I safely crossed the barrier, not a single alarm was sounded as I had imagined it was. My eyes darted to the nearest floating note, I squinted closely and I read: "Three eyes, each color different, seem to capture pictures as it mov--" The rest of the note had been covered by the big red X, though I could almost make out the word at the end of the note which looked like "poison". The rest of the room was filled with different kinds of these floating holograms of which were covered with big red X's, only making some of the words and drawings visible. Besides this, the rest of the room looked like it had been ransacked. As if someone had been looking for something. Old paper, I assume was scattered all over the floor. Old journals and notebooks were shredded and torn, pens and pencils were broken and scattered. Besides the mess, I gave a little smile as I picked up the only pencil that hadn't broke, my father always liked to use old school things like paper and pencils. He rarely used modern technology that I had grown up with. He always claimed that old ways weren't invented to be forgotten, he said he liked the feeling of pen on paper, the way its supposed to be. I gave a small giggle and out of nowhere a small metal object caught my eye. I walked to it, wearily as if it were an animal ready to pounce. The holograms lights were making part of it gleam in the darkness, as most of the object was covered in the paper. I stared down at it in curiosity and wondered what it may be. I began to think of why none of these papers were taken, or why the holograms have merely been partially covered with red X's, or why the code hasn't even been changed in all these years. I knew all too well of the Government's tricky ways and couldn't help but think this was something they had set up. Of course that thought was absurd and I shook my head at my ridiculous thoughts. It had been years since my father was taken, they have forgotten of the life they stole.

Bending down ever so carefully, I lifted up the papers covering the metallic item, though before I could see what was lying beneath it, I revealed nothing but the hard glass floors. I huffed and shook my head, looking at the ground in amusement. It was just a the light, a mere reflection of it. I really was sketching myself out. I was all too worried that something catastrophic might happen tonight that I had made a story up in my mind just by looking at a reflection of light. Still shaking my head slightly I jumped as a three taps on the window sounded behind me. I rushed over to it and lifted up its metal blinds.

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