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I woke up and I checked the clock,it was 8:45.I closed my eyes for a second then opened them quickly and fell off Jungkook's bed.Jungkook had his arm around me so he fell with me and woke up quickly.

"What the fuck happened?",he said getting up.

"It's 8:45am and we have to get to school at 9 for Cheerleading try-outs.That's what's happening.",I said leaving his room.I banged on eveyone's door,"GET UP GUYS WE'RE GONNA BE LATE.",I said.All the girls opened the door and dashed downstairs.

The boys came downstairs looking sleepy."Everyone grab a cup of water.",I said to my friends,they looked confused at first but then followed my lead.I grabbed two cups of water because there was only 7 of them and 6 of us.We got close to the boys and threw the water at them.

"What the hell?!",said Suga rubbing his eyes.They grabbed towels and dried themselves off.

"Where are our shirts?",I asked putting the cups in the sink.

"In the dryer.",said Jungkook drying himself.

"Thanks.",I said running to the dryer,the girls and I were fighting on who gets their shirt first.


"Ow someone bit me!"


"Let me get my shirt first!After all I am the oldest."

"I'm the youngest I should get it first!"

"What the fuck!Someone just grabbed my hair!Let go!"

The boys started laughing at us,"Damn ya'll fight each other over a shirt.",said Jin laughing.

"Shut up windsheild wiper!",I told him grabbing my shirt.Jin stopped laughing,and the boys kept laughed harder."You boys wanna be next?"

They stopped laughing,"Thought so.",I said putting on my shirt."Well bye."

"Wait I thought you guys wear makeup?and We're going with you.",said Jimin getting up.We shook our heads.

"Hurry up we only have five-minutes.",I said sitting on the couch.The guys came in less that two-minutes."Ready?"

"Let's just go.",said Sage opening the door.
We got to school in time,thanks to Stormy.We ran out the car and ran into the gym.Everyone stopped talking and stared at us.We sat down on the bleachers.

"As I was saying-",the girl said until Jungkook and the rest of his friends came in,all the girls screamed and my friends and I covered our ears.








Was all you can hear from all the girls.They all stopped screaming when they sat next to us,they glared at us.

"Anyways ya'll are going to follow my steps and after you have time to practice the dance routine.You'll each get in line and do the dance routine and add some of your moves or whatever you're gonna do.",said the girl smiling.

"If I have to always be perky then I'm out.",I said whispering to Jungkook.He chuckled,the girl that was talking was glaring at me.

"Everyone follow my lead!",said the girl again.
*The cheer routine is the routine that your school/cheer squad does*

"Alright everyone get in a group of six!",said the girl that was done counting.Obviously my friends and I would be together,there were only four groups."We only need 10 girls!So break a leg girls!You have 15 minutes.Starting Now!"

We were talking about what we should do."Guys how about we do dance because the coach keeps on glaring at us.And I don't think she'll put us in the team.",Raven said.

"Your right about that Raven.How about we do dance?",said Stella.

"Let's do it.",Stormy said.We all ran out the gym and went running towards the Billboard.

"It's says today at 9:30.",I said turning around.The boys ran towards us breathing hard.

"What happened to you guys?",I asked them.

"Well you left us there in the gym and the girls were running towards us once you guys left.",said V trying to even his breathes.

"Oopps.",Deisy said.

"Well we're trying out for dance instead of Cheerleading.",I said patting their shoulders."The try-outs are today in 30 minutes."
30 minutes have passed and we saw that the girls left.We opened the door to the gym to see that there were stereos around the bleachers.

There was a girl and a guy bringing stuff in the gym.We offered to help them to bring the stuff in.
Everything was in the gym and people came afterwards.We waited until the instructor told us what we were suppose to do.

"So what we are going to do is first we are going to show you the different kinds of dances you can do for the real try-outs Tuesday night.",said the guy.

"Everyone has to have a partner.",said the guy."You guys over there are you guys joining dance or not?"

"We're are just waiting for our friends.",Jin said.

"Well your not joining but be these girls' need partners so it doesn't matter if your joining or not.",said the guy.

"I'm not dancing you guys go ahead.",said Suga laying down on the bleachers.

The boys got off the bleachers and they each took one of us."So first is salsa.",the guy said.
We were finally finished with the last dance."And remember guys there can be only groups of three If you choose to be in a group.",said the guy.

As we were about to walk to the bleachers to get Suga,my friends and I were walking until we fainted in the middle of the gym.

To be continued.....

Sorry for the confusing I had to get a Chapter done by today.Also if there are any errors please ignore them:))

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