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Welp that is the end of this book.

 I wanted to say thank you to those who read this book

 I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. And your comments bring me so much joy.

 It has come to my notice that unfortunately not many people are able to understand my book The Fourth Suitor because of the accents. I'm deeply sorry about that and would just like to say that I will be working in fixing that. I also realized that I didn't put as many close moments of the couples and I'm sorry for that. 

In my next book I'll make sure that I add more moments with each of the pairings. I hope that you'll read it, the title of the book would be called "Secrets of the Night (Merida's Story)".

And a fun fact: In 1989, Ariel became Disney's first new princess in 30 years, the last princess film had been Sleeping Beauty, which was released in 1959 

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