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"Roni...Roni, wake up." I groaned. 

"Five minush..." I whispered. Someone lifted me up and then dropped me again. My eyes snapped open to see a shirtless boy hovering over me. I screamed.

"OH MY LORD WHAT--" The boy smiled softly, and snickered.

"It's okay, Roni, it's only me." I pulled myself up so I was facing the boy. 

"Hey, Archiekins," I said softly. He held out a hand, and I grabbed it willingly, and when I finally let go, my hand shifted to the back of his neck. I ran my other hand through his soft hair, which smelled like cedar and spices. 

We just stood there in silence, my head fitted into his chest, his hands around my waist. After a while, I looked up into his earnest, ebony eyes.  


When she looked up at me, my heart leaped.

Look, I know it was wrong. Betty would find out. I should have moved, moved away from her, should have run to Betty and beg forgiveness. But no. Her eyes were too innocent and happy for me to even budge. 

She was too beautiful. Not just on the outside. But inside, inside those innocent brown eyes. There was a whole universe, just waiting to be discovered.

But didn't I love Betty? Betty was sweet, she was kind, lovable, and still is my best friend. We've known each other for so long, that our romance was just bound to come. 

You just cheated on your best friend, Archie. A voice whispered in my ear. What an idiot. 

But another voice whispered, But Veronica...Are you in love, Archie? Again?  With someone other than Betty? 

Was I in love? Before I could even think about it, she pulled me close to her and kissed me. She smelled like lavender and cupcakes, freshly baked. 

But I had to pull away.

But you know you love her....


I had to kiss him. 

Again, Veronica? Really? 

What happened to Veronica Lodge not chasing boys?

But Archie was...

You love him, don't you?

Did I love him? Was it too early?

I thought about all this while kissing him, and though I cherished our moments, I knew they were fleeting. I could feel Archie pulling away, and to hold on, I put my arms around his shoulders, but his lips let go of mine, and he stared at me with a sad look on his face, while pulling his head away from mine. 

I wrinkled my nose, and leaned closer to him. "Archiekins, what's wrong?"

He put his forehead on mine, and let go of my waist. His eyes were on the ground. "Roni, we-we can't do this anymore." 

I drew in a sharp breath. We were silent for sometime. There was nothing to say. Then I said, my voice cracking, "But...why now, Archie?" He sighed, and drew his forehead away. 

And his eyes. They weren't full of love or kindness anymore. They were full of an icy neglection. I felt as if I could never get that warm look back again.

"I'm sorry, Veronica, but I love Betty. We're going too fast for me to handle."

I felt so horrible, and tears stung my eyes. Was he lying this whole time, when he kissed me with passion, with love?  

Then I felt a burning hate inside of me. What right did he have to play around with me like this, like I'm just a pawn on his chessboard?

And then I did something I would regret. I slapped him. In that slap was my hate, my anger, throughout all the years in New York, in Riverdale, an anger which I didn't even know I had. 

When I pulled my hand away, we just stared at each other, Archie at a considerable distance from me. He looked so shocked. I just stood there, wondering what the hell I just did. 

"I-I'm sorry, Archie, it wasn't--" I came closer to him, putting my hand on the cheek which I slapped him on. 

But then, he pushed me. Inside his eyes was a look that wasn't Archie's. He glared at me, and ran out of his room. 

I ran after him, not even caring if I was still in his clothes. 

Finally, I caught up to him, and I grabbed his hand. "Archie...please, I'm really, really sorry, I was just--"

He glowered at me. "You were just what?"

Tears spilled down my cheeks, not because of the mistake, but because I know what I did couldn't be forgiven, couldn't be explained to him. 

When I didn't answer, he wriggled his hand out of mine. "That's what I thought."

He wasn't even angry anymore. He looked...dejected. 

Then he stormed away. But I could hear him say something, though it was faint.

"And for a second, I thought that I was finally in love."

But didn't he love Betty?

I crumpled onto the sidewalk, tears spilling onto Archie's blue and yellow jacket. I just sat there, sobbing, my head on my knees, shoulders heaving, without anyone to help me up. And I didn't care. 

What happened to Veronica Lodge not chasing boys?

Well, I guess she does. 

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