A Shy Guy with a Crazy Girl

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You didn't want to do it. You didn't want to go to another school. You felt pain whenever you thought of the idea. You were a transfer student from Shade Academy in Vacuo and being sent to Beacon Academy in Vale due to an event that you never wanted to repeat.

Needless to say, you didn't like the idea of going to a new school and let alone with a new team. You arrived at Vale in the late night before you were suppose to met with Professor Ozpin so you decided to explore, perhaps find a place to run and hide if needed which you knew you would.

While you were walking, you came across a night club. You didn't like social places, though you could use it as a quick way to evade people. So, you entered to look for an escape just in case. When you entered, you could see a sea of people either dancing or drinking all across the place. You felt a little parched and headed to the bar for a drink. You passed by a blonde hair girl accidentally bumping into her.

(Y/N): S-sorry.

???: You're cool.

You kept to your path but unknown to you, the girl followed you. You ordered your water and the blonde came up next to you.

Yang: Name's Yang.

(Y/N): O-ok.

Yang: And you are?

(Y/N): (Y-Y/N) (L/N).

Yang: Cool name. You new to Vale?

(Y/N): Y-yeah.

Your water came and you took a sip. Yang kept smiling at you, trying to strike up a conversation. You just didn't want to talk rather just drink a glass of water and leave.

Yang: Talk much?

(Y/N): Uh?

Yang: It's called sarcasm.

(Y/N): S-sorry.

Yang: So, what's your life like?

(Y/N): I-I don't want to talk about.

Yang: Geez, you go to a club and don't expect to have a conversation.

(Y/N): Goodbye, Yang.

You got up and walked away from the conversation. You sounded like a jerk. You didn't mean to, it just...happened. As you were walking down the street, you heard footsteps coming up behind you. You hoped it was just someone running by but it wasn't.

Yang: So, what you doing here in Vale?

(Y/N): Why do you want to know? S-sorry if I'm sounding-

Yang: (Chuckles) You're fine. Just wondering out of curiosity.

(Y/N): School.

Yang: Oh, cool. Where you going?

(Y/N): I'd rather not say.

Yang: Why? Think I'd might try to kidnap you?

(Y/N): T-that didn't really help your case.

Yang: (Laughs) Well, if I try that, I'm going to Beacon so you could go ahead and rat me out in case.

(Y/N): Uh, noted.

As you and Yang continue to walk through the town, you came across a yellow motorcycle. While you avoided it, Yang walked up to it and hooped on and got a pair of goggles on.

(Y/N): I-I don't think you should do that.

Yang: Psh. Don't worry, it's mine. Need a ride?

(Y/N): N-no. I' good.

Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader: Breaking the ShellWhere stories live. Discover now