Family Visit

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Things at Beacon had been pretty swell. You were doing well in classes and training with your team was also fine. However, while you were breaking your shyness for your new found friends, in class and in a social setting, you were pretty quiet and unknown.

You were relaxing in your room when you received the call from Yang to come on down to the docks of Beacon. When you did, you saw no one was waiting for you, so assumed that Yang bailed on you. However, just as quickly as you got down there, your eyes were covered by two hands.

Yang: Hey!

(Y/N): Y-Yang?

Yang: Yep!

Yang unshielded your eyes and walked in front of you to face you and begin a conversation.

(Y/N): Can I help you?

Yang: I was wondering if you wanted to come into Vale with me?

(Y/N): But, what about your team?

Yang: I spend enough time with them as it is, why not spend it with a friend outside of RWBY.

(Y/N): Y-You sure?

Yang: Yep! You in?

(Y/N): I-I don't know. I-I'm not good in a social sit-situation...

Yang: Oh, come on! Please, please, please!

(Y/N): I-I mean-

Yang: Please?

(Y/N): O-okay.

Yang: Then let's go!

Yang took your hand and lead you to a bullhead and took you to Vale. While in the city, you and Yang walked around town showing you to the city. As you two were walking, Yang could tell you were in a bit distress.

Yang: You okay?

(Y/N): Just...not used to social situations. I'm...kinda getting used to it all.

Yang: A lot bigger than Vacuo, huh?

(Y/N): And cleaner. It's nothing compared to a desert.

You and Yang kept walking until your stomach growled. You looked around embarrass until Yang began to crack up and laughing slightly.

Yang: Hungry?

(Y/N): Kinda.

Yang: Well, you're in luck! You're hanging with Yang Xiao Long, baby. And if anyone knows Vale, it's this girl!

(Y/N): O-okay. So, uh, what do you recommend?

Yang: Follow me.

Yang led you towards a large street with a pavilion in the center in a heavily populated square. You walk past a few cafés and you and Yang stopped in front of a very fancy restaurant. You looked at it with a bit disinterest. Yang took this as a hint and placed a hand on your shoulder.

Yang: Not a fan of fancy?

(Y/N): Well, Vacuo. And...shyness.

Yang: Hey, that's fine. Come on. This way.

Yang began to lead you down the rest of the street until you reached a corner restaurant. It wasn't fancy, though it wasn't like a disgusting bar from Vacuo either. You and her walked over to an empty table and sat down. A waitress came over and took your orders.

Yang: So, enjoying Beacon?

(Y/N): Yeah. You?

Yang: Yep. So...I gotta ask, what's with the whole "shy" motif. I mean, you seem fine.

Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader: Breaking the ShellWhere stories live. Discover now